YOU WILL DIE!!! Now that that's out of the way. People always seem to think, whenever bad shit happens, 'it can't get any worse than this!' Trust me when I say that's bullshit. Trust me when I say that you've not seen it all, and trust me when I say that you. Will not. Survive. In this world the only thing that awaits is death. There is no escape, no relenting, you WILL fight for your life on an HOURLY basis. Big, little, goofy, deadly, the enemies never end. Your one impossible goal... is to survive long enough to figure shit out. Oh, people will die... Who am I kidding, everyone will die, you'll never escape. Who am I? You'll never meet me. I'm not in this story. Not at the beginning anyways. You may see me if you survive long enough. My skeleton lies somewhere in this world, the flesh and clothing and what-not having already rotted away... or been eaten. ----------- Overview: Welcome to the Netherworld. In this place, a mirror of the earth is created, but it is inhabited by everything creepy. disgusting, or deadly. Things you may have heard of, things you might never have heard of and things that are so ridiculous you think there's no way it could exist... but in this world it does. And the main course of every monster in this hell... is a nice helping of human. Luckily, you aren't completely defenseless. A rule of this world says that if a human kills a creature from this world, it can choose to gain one of the powers of that creature. Kill a dragon and gain it's breath or tail or claws, kill a manticore and gain it's acid breath or it's scorpion tail. Any creature believed to be immortal, in this world, is not, it can just be very hard to kill. Some are immune to gunfire but a sword to the throat will kill it nicely. Some must be killed by another creature's weaponry. You know nothing, except that these things will eat you. If you don't die of hunger or dehydration first. I lied earlier. There is ONE creature you just can't kill. This monster must not catch you. It does not move during the day, but at night it takes off, nothing standing in it's way. While simply following you, it moves fairly slow. And it won't follow you right off. I will warn when the beast is moving. Once it's eyes meet yours it's all over. It's speed is insane, it's power god-like and it's one mission... to kill you. Nobody knows what this thing is... because when you see it you never live to tell the tale. --------------------------- CS: Name: Age (cannot be below 18 as this seems to be the age limit of potential targets): Appearance: Bio (everyone lived in the human world, and was transported here at some point) (not mandatory and can be TBR): Skills (hunting, combat, ect.): Weapons (if any): Power (by the rules of the universe, a person can have one starting power): Equipment (armor, canteen of water, food, rape whistle, ect.): Vices (everone has a vice or fear, and there are many creatures here to be fearful of): ------------------ Rules: -Keep it PG-13 people -Don't be rude to others; keep it classy -No rape (unless it's funny) -up to 3 characters at one time -if your character DOES die, and it's a legitimate death (if you think it isn't PM me and I'll talk to you about if I screwed up) just suck it up and if you still wanna play make another character -If you read all of this put [b]I Won't Survive[/b] in your CS somewhere, nice and large (note: the rule about rape and the rape whistle in the equiment are jokes XD Though, if you want a rape whistle... OK then)