Felt smiled, momentarily ignoring the remark made by Sorin. Right now, he was just happy to see that the Pokémon Trainer was calming down again. Hopefully this time she would stay that way for longer than five minutes... Now that she actually was calm though, he didn't really know what to say to her. Instead, he just squeezed her hand once. "Yes, let's go," he said, nodding at the Gym Leader before releasing her hand. This was getting out of hand way too fast for the alchemist's liking. To be honest, he wasn't really sure if he should just take Whitney down the mountain before the entire party turned on itself, or try to douse the fire now that it was still smouldering. Honestly, the former felt quite a bit more inviting, considering how easily the skeleton was slain; Felt really wasn't intending to follow the sap any time soon. Either way, whivhever he would end up choosing, he would have to pick soon; if the fighting would actually start, it would be too late to run. ...Of course, a giant dragon smashing down quickly changed his priorities towards simply surviving. Dear Lilith, that beast was fast, far faster than anything of its size had any right to be. And considering the fact that the creature quite literally breathed poison -- or at least some kind of horrible smoke stuff --, trying to stay at a distance would be just as lethal as close combat. Running away would not be an option either... That only left the middle ground, staying at a medium range and going for swift slashes, all the way keeping himself between the dragon and Whitney. He would not back out on his promise so short after making it. Without even thinking about it, the young swordsman cut off a piece off of his clothing and threw it at Whitney. "Keep this over your mouth," he spoke. "It should help against the smoke. Can your Pokémon withstand it for a bit?" Not awaiting an answer for now, Felt turned back at the very potent threat, waiting for an opening before dashing at the overgrown reptile and slashing at it.