To say Ayano Nakano was having a bad was like saying elephants were slightly bigger than average. First off, the subway station that she lived near was now 'under maintenance' or something, which probably meant someone had gone in an wrecked the place. Again. So Ayano then had to find a cab -after thirty minutes of hailing them she managed to finally snag one- and then report to her office, only to find that Kumini-san had yet again put all of the paperwork he needed to do on her desk. The time went quickly by as she attempted to move of the mountain of paperwork over to her 'out' box. If her day wasn't completely horrible, she then received word about bombs going off downtown. [i]Bombs[/i]. While she didn't like leaping to conclusions, she still left her office cussing out the Red Clan and organizing people. That was when she noticed that Kumini-san was nowhere to be found. "Where is Kumini-san?" Ayano asked as pressed her hand against her face. One of the lower ranking officers answered her. "I heard he went out to a cafe with Cho Sasagara." "Fantastic. The man in charge is out for coffee. All right, I want high ranking officers at the bombs sites and the lower ranking members to start looking for places other bombs could be placed. Assume nothing," Ayano said this primarily so that the officers would start pointing fingers at Red Clan, "and help as many civilians as possible. Move!" She was glad that at least one perk of her job was to yell at people whether or not they liked it. Another was definitely that no one could argue with her orders or disobey them. [i]Ah, the perks of power...[/i] it was almost enough to make up for her awful morning. Almost. "Status report!" Ayano barked, moving to where the techs were bent over computers. "Where's the worst of it?" "Near the Blue King's home, ma'am. I believe that the tenants inside are badly injured." the man said, still typing furiously on his keyboard. "I'll head there then, keep watch and inform me if the situation gets worse." Ayano said, moving back to her office to grab her saber and gear. Without a second thought Ayano was out the door and in the field. It didn't take long to get to the apartment complex, thankfully, but it was still a mess. Smoke and flames were everywhere, and Ayano had to sort out the chaos from the facts. Fact: she was pretty sure that most of the damage had been done to one side of the building. Fact: there was a girl and a badly burned boy just outside of the wreckage. Fact: the girl looked like the princess of Red Clan. Fact: she was going to have to avoid causing an incident. Fact: she likely was going to cause one anyway. She moved closer to the pair, trying to see what she could do. SCEPTER 4 officers had followed her and could attend to the rest of the mess. Right now she had to figure out what a Red Clan member was doing here in the first place. The kid was inconsequential right now. "Hey! What are you doing here?" her tone probably came across as a little too rude, but honestly she was done with all the nonsense that had gone on today. "Did you guys cause this or what? I've got a lot of damage control to do, and hopefully making sure I don't start an incident with HOMURA is the start of it." She was close enough to see the kid was badly burned, but if she remembered right the princess of HOMURA was a strain of some kind, likely she was healing him. She couldn't see him clearly enough to make out any sort of distinguishing features, but he looked familiar almost. Maybe it was because she'd seen him at a park something. She always liked going to parks or watching kids on playgrounds, so maybe she saw him there. Ayano snapped out of her thoughts, "listen, I'm terrible at diplomacy. Just tell me yes or no and we can get you both to hospital ASAP."