[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PdmUtGn.jpg[/IMG][/center] Luro grinned happy he could keep Risa close to figure out what was going on with those wings of her, the moment she started explaining he pulled his box out and grabbing a notebook starting writing down any information she revealed, he was able to keep up for the most part though he had to ask her to repeat things a few times. Steam-powered technology permitted them to do something like that. His attention was only pulled from Risa as they came across Brass Cape, Luro's jaw dropped as he stared at the approaching city, his eyes wide and his whole body trembling at the sight of the city itself, it was a marvel like nothing he had ever seen before and it took all his willpower to pull himself from it's allure to focus back on the captain hearing her speak about getting off the ship. His gaze did drift back to the city eventually, especially that huge blue arc over a smaller blue circle attached to that huge tower, what in the world was that and why did he want one so badly. When they stepped off the Coral and made their way into the city Luro's gaze seemed moved at everything around him, his attention moving to anything in the area, he could feel the heat from the steam tickle his skin, watched as it erupted from all manners of mechanisms that seemed to draw his eyes one after the other. When they walked into the shop Luro barely had time to register that another person was nearby as his gaze immediately went to all the trinkets in the ship, his eyes trying to take apart everything around him and put it back together. Even as they kept moving every time he turned he seemed to see something new and amazing, but it was when Risa pointed up to the flying ship that Luro fell to his knees, though he still took notes from what Risa was saying though his gaze was focused on what he considered a miracle of creation. "I think I'm in love," Luro said reaching a hand towards the flying ship. "I would make sweet tender love to her if it was possible....don't tell the Coral though she might get jealous." Luro climbed back to his feet and he flipped a page in his book before furiously writing something down in his to-do list. [i][b][u]Stuff ta do in case I forget[/i][/b][/u] [list=1] [*][i]"If opportunity presents itself get airship,"[/i][/*] [*][i]"If the opportunity doesn't present itself steal airship through any means necessary,"[/i][/*] [*][i] Take apart to fully understand how to make one myself,"[/i][/*] [*][i]"Get more rum, then steal another airship for personal use,"[/i][/*] [/list] Luro finished writing in his book and stuffed it in his pocket before looking over at the captain remembering she commented on the ship. "Aye captain we should get one, Ray will be okay once he flies in one he'll want two of them before you know it." Luro turned to Ray and gave a firm nod before he looked back over at Risa not really keen on the idea of leaving her company. "I'm fine staying near Risa, I need to learn everything there is to know about her and this world, I'm not leaving her side.[b]Ever[/b]" Luro's gaze locked onto Risa but his attention was pulled from her as the sounds of fighting reached his ears, his attention immediately snapped to the crowd, there was a good old-fashioned brawl going on over there, this city really did have everything! Luro's fist trembled as excitement poured through his body, he could feel his blood pumping from the chants themselves, nothing was better than a no holds barred fight he admitted he was extremely curious what was going on but his desire not to move away from Risa kept him from investigating. "I hear it Danny but there's something more important that needs to be said." Luro immediately turned back to Risa before pointing at her. "Is there a place to drink around here...also where do the ships dock out of curiosity."