[quote=NorthernGR] And Star wars knights of the old republic 3.... someday.. It will happen.. IT WILL! ;_; probably not. [/quote] You do have your sequels, horrible horrible horrible horrible sequels: Star Wars: The Old Republic (MMO) The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (novel) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Old Republic: Deceived (novel) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Old Republic: Revan (novel) It serves as a prequel KOTOR2 and a sequel to KOTOR2. Prequel section tells us what Revan did Canderous did before KOTOR2. Sequel section tells the final fate (absolutely nothing good imo) of Revan, Exile (gives her real name), & T3-M4 the only people from the games to go to the Unknown Regions. The Old Republic: Annihilation (novel) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Old Republic: Smuggler's Vanguard (short story) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Old Republic: The Third Lesson (short story) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom (short story) Haven't even bothered to read a summary. The Old Republic: Revan imo is pure garbage & ruined KOTOR for me.