[center][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2cehshh.jpg[/img][/center] Alicia had been made very welcome once she'd come aboard the Coral Pearl. As the ship had been pulling away she'd taken a run and a jump to the side of the ship, her hands catching the rope before bracing her feet against the hull, climbing up and over a moment later. When Runali motioned for where her room would be she gave a smile and bowed her head a little to her, "Thank you Captain, I look forwards to traveling with you from here on out" she said in her soft tone before she'd take her things to the aforementioned room, returning latter in order to mix with the crew a little to get to know them, which she had done over the next days it took them to reach the Brass Cape. When the girl had fallen from the sky she'd gripped her sword tightly, not drawing it but merely remaining at the ready in case something happened. However when it seemed the girl was harmless she eased her stance, taking in a deep breath as she observed the girl speak with the others. Though Alicia remained calm and serene in her demeanor, it was the sight of the Brass Cape itself which caused her to stare in awe, her eyes feasting upon the beauty of the land in front of her with all it's tremendous wonders. "Simply amazing!" she said with a smile as she leaned herself forwards against the wood rail on the bow of the Coral Pearl. In all her travels so far she hadn't seen anything quite like this and she had to wonder what kind of people live here, as well as what kind of life they lead. When Ray spoke about the Crow's Nest she cocked an eyebrow, giving him a slightly amused smirk, "I don't know Ray, I think a pair of wings would suit you just fine" she said with a small grin before looking back towards the island. When the Coral Pearl docked she'd remain relatively close to the captain, although she wasn't her guard she was interested in learning more about how the captain acted and portrayed herself to the world around her.