[i][u] Kristen Schwally, Poppy Flanagan, & Adam Blackmore.[/u][/i] [i](Written in collaboration between Ciphra, True Night, and Mr Allen J)[/i] After the capture the flag match had ended Kristen had quickly rushed out to get the bugs off of her. She hated bugs, well most bugs. She loved butterflies, but anything past that and she wanted them dead, or at least not touching her in any way. Better yet just leave them out of the same room. Of course these bugs were already dead, which actually made it worse. Luckily Kristen was able to clean herself pretty easily and get dressed again. Unlike everyone else though, she had taken her time to do everything. She was hoping to meet up with Gabriela and Jake, but she still had to see Adam. Before she left to go see Adam though she decided to braid her hair again. After doinng so Kristen rushed out to head over to Adam to finally get the help she had needed for so long. She was actually quite excited. Of course there was still the problem of [i]demonstrating[/i] for Adam. Kristen giggled at the thought of how uncomfortable the teacher had gotten now that she was looking back on the whole situation. Now to get some answers! She was almostst to the door when she heard someone running. Kristen raised an eyebrow and just as she did a girl ran out of the door and ran right into Kristen knocking her to the ground. "Ow." Kristen squinted in minor painas she continued, "You alright?" Leave it to Kristen to be worried about the other person! Poppy hardly looked where she was going as she fled from the training hall. It was mostly a straight shoot so she didn't run into anything though. Except when she exited the building there was suddenly a person in her way. The two collided and wound up on the earth. She clutched her head and wiped her eyes to get a look at whoever she bowled over. A rather pretty girl with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. "I'm so sorry..." Poppy sniffled. For whatever reason she wasn't feeling as distraught. Normally she probably would have picked herself right back up and wouldn't have stopped until she was back in the dorm room. This stranger made her want to stay. "No I'm not alright." After being babied by everyone in her life she didn't think anything of the other parties concern. Even if it was her mistake. "I'm Poppy" she added unceremoniously once again shirking her last name. There was clear evidence of crying across her face, though she was begging to calm down. Shocked out of despair by the surprise encounter. That and something in the air. A few moments of pure running made Adam stop to catch his breath. [i]God damn, I used to be better than this.[/i] He needed to get back into the chase. He can't give up when Poppy is charging. He was down the hallway, right at the exit. Poppy was right in his sights... And so was Kristen. He didn't know what happened, but his intuition said she stopped Poppy. It was risky, but he pegged Kristen as an easy way to end this situation. Her pheromones cause others to mirror her own emotions. Which meant that Poppy would feel any emotion but the one she's currently going through. Adam choose to stay in the sidelines, and give Kristen a little advice... If anything goes wrong, he would be the first to act. Adam switched to his telepathy power and sent Kristen a telepathic message, [i]Kristen, do not be alarmed, it's Adam. Can you use your power to calm Poppy down? It's important.[/i] He didn't want to mention the immense danger Kristen could be in. He didn't want to pressure her, after all. Kristen giggled. "How rude of me. I'm Kristen! Kristen Schwally. It's a pleasure to meet you Poppy!" She could tell Poppy had been crying and wondered what was wrong, and why. Of course it wasn't her place to press the matter, if Poppy wanted to talk to her then she would. Of course after she already decided to try and cheer up this girl Adam decided to pop into her head. God that was creepy! Kristen now understood why people didn't like people with mind powers. They could just pop into your head and mess with you! Luckily for Adam though, Kristen thought he was an okay guy. Kristen stood up and offered Poppy a hand. "Well let's not sit around getting dirty Poppy! Wanna go for a walk or something? Get to know each other a little better?" Kristen figured she might as well make a new friend, plus now Adam would owe her one. Though it did irritate her a little that Adam wanted her to use a power she had no idea how to control, and the way he put it made her feel like she was supposed to manipulate Poppy, and she hated the thought of that, but luckily she was getting more excited at the prospect of making a new friend! "It's nice to meet you too!" Already Kristen's pheromones were counteracting her bodies raging chemicals. If she stuck around for much longer her body would stop producing stress hormones all together and liken to the older girl. At the mention of dirt Poppy became self conscious and rand her hands across the part of her skirt that would have been soiled for good measure. "Okay... Where should we go?" [i]Don't they have a campus tour or something.[/i] Unless they expected little her to be able to read and make sense of map boards around. They'd only just met and already she was feeling a closer connection with Kristen than she had with anyone else. Theresa included. Enough that she was eager to head off with her on a moments notice. Everything she was feeling only minutes ago felt like a distant dream. One that she would have to face again one they were over with their venture. She found herself hoping that they'd stay together for as long as possible. All the way up until curfew if she let her. Poppy wrapped her arms around Kristen's waist and would cling to her until she started moving. Kristen smiled down at the girl and held her for a moment. She was glad that Poppy wanted to spend some time with her. "Well I just got here before class so I don't know too much about this place yet, but what about the beach?" For Kristen she always loved listening to the water, plus it was a beautiful sight to see. Then there was the part where she hadn't known about the jungle tour, whether that was due to her being late, or the fact that she never paid attention to anyone but her friends or unless she wanted to. She wondered if Adam would follow them though. If not then Kristen would feel more comfortable talking with Poppy. She would feel like she was actually a friend and not a spy. It seems that things were going well, but Adam knew that Poppy is still a risk. Not one he'd let out of his sight easily. He was going to tail them. Just for a little while. He stayed out of their way as he followed. He would be in the corner of their eyes until something requires his immediate attention.