Alright! Hello everyone, here's my bio! Exclamations! Edit: I think I've got the important bits more or less covered, but if there's any questions I'll be happy to answer them - I wrote most of this at a time when I should've been sleeping, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'd missed something. Edit2: Ariel got gender-swapped. I may or may not have missed some pronouns when editing. [hider=Bio] Name: Ariel Namorah Age: Unclear Country/City of Origin: The long lost city of Ükun, which now is little more than a sand-covered ruin buried underneath the ever-shifting sands of the desert. Not that he'd ever say it. Status: Free... Man? Appearance: At first sight, most people assume Ariel to be some sort of statue or, perhaps, a golem. His whole body seems to be a large set of armor, standing around eight feet tall and smelted from some dark-brown alloy. The plates are rough, unpolished, but their form is reminiscent of that of a featureless human, showing hints and contours of muscle; and over the plates small runes have been engraved in a silvery metal. The same idea was followed when creating the armor's head, a simple oval form with no distinct features beyond a small protuberance in its center that reminds of a nose, and silvery streaks over the scalp form what could be called its hair. The plates of armor are joined with some sort of black, leathery material that also covers the joints, allowing for a range of movements much like an armored soldier would have. There seem to be no clasps to hold the plates together, and though many have tried it seems to be impossible to glimpse at the armor's inside. Stuck to the back of the armor there's a massive sword, almost as tall as a normal human and made of the same alloy as the statue. Somehow, Ariel can release the sword from his back in order to use it, which he often does one-handed. Personality: Dutiful, cold, distant, or even inhuman - those who have met him but don't yet know him well whisper those words when he comes to mind. Ariel will only confirm that he does feel bound to complete a mission once he's accepted it. Then again, it's not an uncommon attitude for mercenaries in either case. Reason for attending the party: Hired as a peacekeeper in case things get rowdy - and, he suspects, also as a show of power, since his prices are not cheap at all. Anything Else: I'm not going to surprise anyone when I say there's a lot more to Ariel than I'm showing in the bio, so if the GM wants to know, feel free to poke me and I'll write it all and send it over. Oh, and if you're wondering why a genderless armor has a male pronoun, it's because its voice is male. [/hider]