[b]Kouki Kumini[/b] Kouki looked up at the lady, eyes wide and filled with tears (because no matter how soothing someone's voice was it would never be enough to sooth the pain of a broken wrist and badly burned skin). "A blue knight..." he said very quietly. Once, when he'd asked Mikami where he went every day, Mikami had replied with that he was a King with lots of blue knights that carried swords and protected people, so he had to go and protect people too. He'd latched on to that idea. Maybe he'd jumped to that conclusion because he'd lost his glasses in the blast and couldn't exactly see clearly and clearly the lady in front of him was wearing a lot of blue, but it was hard to tell. Instead, he just let the girl talk. He was surrounded by people he didn't know and was in some pretty bad pain, so being inquisitive wasn't the first thing on Kouki's mind. As Rin said that they wouldn't be going anywhere, a thought crossed Kouki's mind. If this lady really was one of the blue knights his Dad had told him about, maybe then she would know him. And then maybe she could get him to come here and then he could make him stop hurting. Between sobs, he looked at her again, trying to muster the courage to talk her. "Miss...," Kouki said as he wiped some of his tears away, only for them to be quickly replaced by more. "You don't know my Daddy, do you?" There was a spark of hope in the back of his mind, desperately wanting to believe that she would say yes. He didn't want to be around people he didn't know anymore. ------ [b]Tadashi Sakurai[/b] Tadashi watched from a safe distance. He'd gone back to his bike shortly after the bombs had been dropped off where they were supposed to be, just to make sure his baby was still there. As soon as he made sure she was still there, Tadashi went back to the site of the bombing. As soon as he saw the damage he'd been partially responsible for, Tadashi's stomach dropped and he felt like he was going to throw up. There were so many people hurt. Without thinking about it, he moved his hands to cover his ears, trying to block out the sounds of people in pain and the ambulance sirens. He'd known people were going to get hurt, but they weren't supposed to get hurt like this. There weren't supposed to be children sent away in ambulances. He took a deep breath, telling himself to do his job. Matsura was sure this was what they had to do, so he'd do it. In truth, Tadashi held his King on a bit of a pedestal, if he was being honest. He really couldn't place why either. So Tadashi put on a brave face and continued on with his job. Right, he had to draw the Red's away from the scene so that team that was planting the bugs could plant them. After doing a quick look around, Tadashi determined that the Blues were around now too. "Damn, this makes things complicated." What he did notice though was that there was no trace of either King. Well, that was a slight plus. Figuring it was better to assess the situation first, Tadashi walked over to one of the Blue clan members, trying to look as innocent as possible. They shouldn't really know what any of the green members looked like apart from maybe the King. After all, they'd been pinning everything on the Reds and keeping a rather low profile otherwise. "Hey cutie," he said to a woman with gray hair in a Scepter 4 uniform. "What's going on here? Is there anything I can do to help?" Tadashi might not be that great at information gathering, but he'd at least give it a shot.