[center][url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/036/4/f/scp_076_02_by_ggggum-d5tx7fb.jpg]Just a bit under the weather.[/url][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Roan Basaris [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Where do you hail from?[/b] Roan has nothing that could be called a homeland. Born in the midst of travel that his race is known for, he is one of the few Raulites that remain. [hider=Raulites]The race looks very similar to humans, but as a whole has a darker tone of skin color. Their bodies also tend to be lightly built, with heavy, muscular individuals being incredibly rare amongst them. Their most noticeable trait would be the natural “tattoos” that form as Raulites age though. A magically inclined race, Raulites boast a sheer depth of power that few others can match. This pool of energy nourishes their body as well, bolstering them physically. As a result, Raulites can live for vastly longer than humans, easily reaching up to centuries in age if careful. The “tattoos” are actually pathways where energy flows through their bodies made visible. An easy way to gauge a Raulite’s magical strength is to simply examine their “tattoos”; those with deep pools or fine mastery often have the most pronounced markings. The race is nomadic now, and with their low numbers their lifestyle doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. There may only be a few thousand Raulites left at most, possibly even hundreds. They move in groups, too small to be called tribes, of numerous families that number a few dozen at most. Members are free to come and go, as each family within the group tends to be self-sustaining for the most part. Scattered as the race is, there is very rarely contact between the remaining groups. However the fact that most Raulites are agnostic hints that there was once a society for this race. They see higher beings as responsible for the creation of this world, shaping it with great feats of power. Magic is a lesser form compared to what these higher beings used, and would be seen as no more than parlor tricks. For the most part, Raulites do not care much for the world’s politics and kingdoms. Within each and every individual lies a wanderer’s spirit that refuses to be shackled and tied down. Many dislike the race for their “parasitic” nature, i.e., they move through lands not owned by them and take resources. However little action is generally taken against Raulites for they move through rapidly, staying in a kingdom’s lands for no more than a few weeks. That and the effort to drive them out with force is generally not worth it. They move quickly which means hounding them is an effort in itself, and Raulites generally boast some magical ability as a standard making confronting them difficult. In regards to the Labyrinth, the general belief seems to be that it is a domain closer to the higher beings than their world. As a result Raulites hold a healthy respect for the mysterious realm and do not actively encourage their young, rare as they are, to challenge it. Nonetheless, they respect those who strive to conquer it, seeing it as a chance to become more than mortal.[/hider] [b]What are your reasons for crossing the Gate of the Labyrinth?[/b] A mix of childhood fascination and that his wanderlust seems to have lost direction, still driving him to move, but leading him nowhere. [b]How would you describe yourself?[/b] A young adult who hasn’t quite lost the enthusiasm of childhood. While not happy, go-lucky, outgoing, he does hold a sense of energy in everything he does; very driven as some might put it. Now Roan tends to think a bit rather than diving head first into situations, but he hasn't managed to quash the impulsive side just yet. Combined together, he can become a bit immature in stressful circumstances, easing up to deal with the situation rather than the other way around. As an restless wanderer, he doesn't have many issues with being alone and is rather comfortable with only the sounds of nature. He doesn't mind company, but isn't particularly used to it so he does tend to withdraw in to himself around others. He doesn't become meek, on the contrary he's usually courageous, but Roan does distance himself. And courageous? Not particularly afraid of challenges or dangers, Roan won't question a decision to try and save a stranger's life, even if it carries the possibility of injury. Outside of the more urgent situations where immediate actions help the most, the Raulite isn't nearly as charitable. [b]And your morals and ideals?[/b] Roan’s moral compass is one that leads him fairly straight in life. He’s willing to help others and would rather simply not associate with others than throw them under for his own benefit. He prefers being remembered briefly by many rather than fondly by a few, never sticking around for long even after he does assist others. [b]What do you consider yourself to be skilled in?[/b] He's a good lone wanderer, with all the skills that entails? Self-sustenance away from civilization and by one's self. General survival skills such as gathering and preparing food, setting up shelters, weathering a myriad of conditions, some basic first-aid and medicine, etc. The lifestyle was relatively spartan so his skills aren't particularly elaborate, but they allowed him to live. Physically. Roan might not be the most athletic individual or powerful warrior, but he's a hardy and resilient survivor. He tires slowly and recovers quickly, can hold his own in combat, and generally isn't the type of individual that bandits go after. Even alone, he carries the air of someone who knows what he's doing and has survived long enough doing so. Magically too. Because Raulites get the blessings of both. While Roan's abilities are specialized and he can't work anything aside from them, he can still hold his own against others who tap into the more mystical forces. His own magic manifests mostly in abilities that affect and empower him, granting him even more potent physical capabilities. Roan also holds a number of "contracts" with several beings he was drawn to over the course of his travels. The lingering traces attach themselves to parts of his magic-infused body as anchors and allow him to call upon them for assistance in combat or his travels. They are not beings, but closer to recordings left behind in various locations that he has now copied onto his body. Raw feelings and emotions are about as much as Roan can feel from them. [b]Any fears or weaknesses that you hold?[/b] Being robbed of his magic is one, albeit it would likely kill him in the process. Living on after that, if it was somehow managed, without his contracts wouldn’t be something Roan would like to do to put mildly. Anything that interferes with magic would weaken Roan physically as well due to how the magic is ingrained and constantly flows through his physical body. This is counter balanced by the fact that it is harder for his magic to be interfered due to the way it’s wholly integrated with him. He’s a bit naive if someone can gain his trust? He’s been a solitary wanderer for the past few years with little company for the most part. That’s not to say he’s dumb, but he will generally listen to what others say. [b]Which part of your body do you value the most?[/b] Probably his left arm. His first contract is bound there. [b]Stats[/b] [i]I get one extra, yay.[/i] Strength: 5 Leg Stuff: 5 Dexterity: 5 Homogenized Body Stuff: 6