[centre][b]Edward 'Ned' Lawson[/b] [i]Shadow Zone Wing - North[/i][/centre] "Sit down, Max" Ned said to his dog, the damn fool mutt had heard the song Bruce had started playing, jumped to his paws and started moving about its safety cage in the Dingos slightly larger than average pilots chamber letting out a low whine. "Yes Max I don't like the song either, now sit the hell down and behave yourself." Ned was moving his mech to the left flank a little slower than he could have been, the Dingo's locomotion systems had frozen as he had tried to move out and a system reboot had been required to get the mech moving again, as a result he could see Matthew and Kiku ahead of him taking cover from whatever was around the corner, likely wolves by Bruce's choice of song. Well with the radio compromised its not like they could communicate reliably with it so Ned decided to take the initiative on the left and pushed the throttle up so that he would reach the street that Matthew and Kiku were taking cover from, as he did so he rotated his turret to face the direction the hostiles would ge approaching from and prepared to stop so he could open fire with a degree of accuracy as he cleared the corner. Ned shook his head as Bruce communicated over the radio. "Four Ex, in case you missed it the apocalypse has already been, this is post apocalypse mate, what other kind of party would we be having." He said with a chuckle as the Dingo cleared the building and opened fire with its turret mounted lasers on the now clearly revealed shadow wolves.