[i][u]Dana Alcott, Henry Olin, Asae Kyuuji, Karlie Davis[/u][/i] [i]Collaboration of Jazzy, True Night, Mr Allen J and AgentFallenSoul[/i] When another voice ran up, Dana raised an eyebrow and looked. It was non-other than her room-mate, Karlie Davis. Dana didn't expect her to come along with them on this trip, but hey, she was always wrong. "Hey, Karlie." She greeted her friend. "Far as I can tell, everyone's welcome." Dana said with a warming smile. She laughed a little when Karlie asked for a piggyback ride from Henry - Her attention shifted from Karlie to the girl with the strange growth on her back. Codi, she introduced herself as. Well, Dana was never one to judge people from looks - Her relationship with Dragonfly was a prime example of that. "It is nice to meet you Codi, and it's okay. I don't think we've been properly introduced. I am [i]Dana Alcott[/i], full student here." Dana continued to be carted throughout this mighty jungle. Henry stuttered in the most cool fashion when Kylie asked for his permission to ride on his back, then jumped on. "Uh, humnaduh?" he said. He had been made aware of her presence, so thankfully he didn't freak out. But that didn't change the fact that there was someone climbing on his back. Oh well. He turned his head around and sighed. "Okay, where the hell did Matt go? Did anyone see him?" He said, stopping the group and pinching his snout. "Asae, can I ask you and Dana to go look for that idiot?" He said, sighing. "I'm sorry about this. Dana, you know where the waterfall is right? We'll be there. Everyone else, continue onward. Lets not get anyone else lost please." He said, sighing. He wasnt particularly worried about the douchebag, as he had seen him sprout a very knarly set of claws earlier before the capture the flag game. He knew he had the weaponry to defend himself, it was more so that HE didn't get repremanded for losing track of a student. "What was that?" Karlie mused from her new vantage point. This adventure was going to be so fun. "Giddy up!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. Unfortunately he still was engaged with the other members of the expedition. Speaking of which she should introduce herself. "I'm Karlie! Nice to meet you guys!" She was totally talking over Henry, but she was addressing everyone she didn't know so she didn't care. It figured that somebody had gone off on their own. If she didn't have a trusty steed she'd like have gone off on her own as well. There was no doubt that Henry was like the coolest teacher, but nobody could be in two places at once. She took that back. Nobody that she knew of. That'd be one heck of a crazy power. Asae looked down to Dana in her chair, holding her sword in her lap [i]So I can't just leave her, she asked me to push her. So much for trying to get away and find somewhere peaceful by myself...[/i] she looked back up and noticed Dana talking to people, making Asae to pay attention again, coming half way into the conversation. The girl that was talking to Dana had a weird type of bludge on her back, but she shrugged mentally, everyone had their own secrets, she knew that well enough, hell she was engaged to a god damn panda, she had no room to judge. Asae looked to Codi and smiled "It's nice to meet you, names Asae Kyujji or Seloria, either one is fine" she looked towards Henry when she heard her name, followed by getting asked to look for the village ass. She sighed "Hey, would it be a total shame if he got eaten, I mean it wouldn't all be a shame, I'm sure his ego is enough to feed a whole family of animals out here." she joked slightly, though she still was pissed about the whole string of jokes he had said prior to his disapperance. She lowered her head and whispered in Dana's ear "Wanna go do something badass? Would be way better than just wondering around looking for the guy, we'll most likely run into him eventually but why not have some fun along the way?" she leaned partially over the chair looking at Dana and smiling. "I'm not worried about him getting eaten. Trust me, if he weren't as powerful as he was I would be worried about him. I can agree with the ego part though. It's bigger than I am." Henry commented. "Alright all, to the waterfall. It's deep enough to go cliff diving if anyone's interested." "Cliff diving?! Lead the way!" Sort of a given consider her position, but she had a habit of stating the obvious. [i]Wish I had know sooner so I could have brought a special costume... Whatever.[/i] She wasn't about to go back now, and her current options would be fun enough. The main thing she had overlooked is that none of her outfits were meant for water. Not that they'd fall apart or anything, but it was going to be a lot of extra weight. If it really came down to it she was the type who'd be fine going in her undergarments. Besides who else here was actually going to jump? ... And of course Henry has to choose the activities Dana can't participate in, [i]and[/i] make them look for Matt. Dana rolled her eyes. There wasn't a lot Dana could do, yes, but at least Henry could [i]at least[/i] try not to make her feel left out. She sighed. That was simply a fact of her life. Worst of all, Henry was sending them after Matt. It might sounded harsh, but his arrogance made him leave the group. If he doesn't want to be with them, then that is his choice. There wasn't much Dana could do to convince him to do otherwise. Though, Asae seemed to want to go look for him... Saying something about having fun. Well, Dana didn't know what she meant by that, but she felt she could trust Asae. If she couldn't... Well, Asae should hope her power stops her from blinking. "Uh, sure. I'm ready when you are." "Seems like you are full of surprises Dana, onward we go then" she pushed the wheelchair full of enthusiasm into the abyss of the mighty jungle. Once out of sight and ear shot, Asae found a clearing of sorts and she stopped, reaching for the long box in Dana's lap "I'll be taken this now, by the way, what do you think my power is? if you dont mind me asking, it's always interesting to see what others think it is" she turned her back to Dana and sat cross legged, touching the box, it opened with a sound of several locks and mechanisms, before the box fully opened to reveal a black metal sheath of a sword, a red and black handle showing. Asae kept in the the box waiting for Dana's answer, most guessed something completely different from what it actutally was. Asae's power? Well, Dana didn't see enough of Asae to accurately guess what her power is. There was a million possible powers a single Meta could have. So many constants and variables. "Umm..." She tilted her head, putting a finger on the side of her jawline. She curiously turned her eyes towards Asae when she started opening up the box. She pulled out a sword. Asae was making her carry a sword around in her lap. Suddenly that thought about something weird in the box turned out to be strangely true. The scene suddenly got a lot more awkward. "... Um... I don't know.... You carry around a sword with you all the time...?" Dana had to ask. That trust she formerly had in Asae started to fade a bit, she started feeling a bit of fear. Without Henry, Tess, or anyone else, to give her backup, she felt rather defenseless. Asae turned and held the sword in her arms, both her hands in her pocket "Well I guess that's about as close as anyone gets, but my power is pretty simply. It relies heavily on weapons, such as knives or blades such as this, though this is a rather special one. It was given to me, by my father." she layed the sword on Dana's lap again "And I'm trusting you to keep it safe while I cart you around, and maybe even see you get to swing a sword? It's pretty fun, even if you're in a situation like yours" she refered to her being stuck to the confine of her wheelchair. "But please be careful, it's pretty sharp, and I'd rather not dress a wound in the middle of the jungle." She slung the box over her shoulder and got behind Dana, pushing her along. She felt a bit weird seeing someone else hold her sword, but she wanted to make things a bit more lax, not everyday do you meet someone who has carries a sword around, she couldn't even imagine how Dana felt about it. There was that obvious hesitancy when Asae rested the sword in her lap. Except, this time it wasn't without the box. At least it was in the sheathe. It didn't make it any less scary, though. Asae's power was a weapon based power. When you got down to it, her having a sword was no different from a water-elemental carrying around a bottle of water, or a fire-bender with a lighter. "Oh? That's rather interesting." Dana personally didn't care for power talk. How she feels about her own power, and, honestly, how often powers come up in conversations, were a factor. She didn't want to share her own power. "I'll be careful with it, I can tell it means a lot to you." Despite her hesitancy regarding the sword, long as she didn't do anything stupid, everything will be fine - And she was honest with herself when she said there's [i]plenty[/i] of people here infinitely more dangerous than a sword. "Alright, let's move on." Asae nodded and looked around, for the first time it was just them and she actutally was taking the time to look at their surroundings, they were breath taking to say the least. She wondered how long Dana had even been at the school, from the remarks that Henry made from eariler, it seemed she at least knew her way around the jungle. Asae looked at her watch before going back to talking to Dana, trying to make small talk "So how long have you been here for? It would seem that you know Henry as well as a number of people generally well." she hummed quietly looking around for any sign of life with in the woods. Small talk. Yes the small talk with the Pirate-Samurai-Lady was fine. It was better than them just silently and awkwardly staring at each other. It brought Dana back. To the days when she was a little girl being sent away from her father, growing up to be a mature woman. "I'm a full student here. That means I essentially live on this island. I've been here for at least seven years. Met some of the kindest... and strange... people. You? I take it that you're a new student?" Asae shrugged, though she couldn't see it "Yea, I'm fresh off the boat actutally, well techncially carried off, but yeah you get the idea. I...I dont know about this place yet, it's safe thats for sure, but to raise a fam-...nevermind that, but I'm not particularly nicest or most open person, so this whole being thrown into a school thing for me is hard. For awhile it was just me and Tetsuya doing God knows what in Europe, and then suddenly I'm somewhere safe, a complete change of pace for me. Panda man seems to be fitting in though, just fine actually, it's like home for him." Asae didn't even realize how hard she was gripping the handles of Dana's wheelchair, making her hands white. Dana could tell that Asae has been through [i]something[/i]. It wasn't in her place to ask, but it was something that deeply affected her. "The island is a great place, actually. It's the reason why I choose to be a full student...." The bushes began to rustle outside her peripheral. Asae's ears pricked up almost like an animal's would if that were possible for a human, making her look up "Does this jungle have anything that would put the students in danger?" she stopped moving completely, stepping forward and grabbed her sword out of Dana's lap, pulling the sword from it's sheath and it was almost like her body was filled with the swordsmen mind set, she stood in a stance slightly, looking slightly back at Dana [i]I dont know her power, but I'll make sure she'll be safe...[/i] she made the silent promise to herself and watched the bushes. "I..." Dana was rather afraid right now... and the appeal of that power of hers was starting to get a little tempting. "... I don't know." Asae was entering a swordmen stance, it was mildly reassuring knowing that she was ready to defend the two of them. Whatever was in the bushes decided to quickly make itself known. A massive mountain of fur came charging at them. Dana shrieked in terror, she couldn't even tell that it was a fully grown Sun Bear. She quickly went on autopilot and rolled away from it. Asae went wide eye'd "Oh Fu-" Even with her reflexes she couldn't roll away fast enough, meaning taking the charge head on. Without thinking she used her arms blocking the impact intead of her sword, sliding backwards, getting pushed back onto her ass. She looked up scared for a moment, the bear raising his paw at her. She raised her sword, trying parry the attack, which was only half succesful, the sword while yes parried the swat, the bear knocked the sword out of her hand, it flying like a disk towards Dana, hitting her arm and cutting her. Asae felt a sudden sense of rage with in her, getting up and held her hands together, slamming her fist down on the bears head. It fell downwards and tried to push itself up, making Asae, kicking the bear with all her strength, making it slide and slaw agains a fallen log. Asae walked towards it with her fist clenched, but the bear got up limping and cowered, running off. Asae breathed out and looked towards Dana "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." she quickly grabbed her sheath and got on her knees "Oh shit Dana im sorry, I'm so sorry, it was a rookie mistake and..." She started freaking out and her face was in her hands, disappointed in herself for letting that happen so easily. During all the chaos of the struggle, Asae lost her sword. It wasn't something Dana noticed until it was too late. It went flying straight for her face, she had no choice but to shield herself with her arms. The blade flew across and left a deep gash in Dana's arm. Flying over her head (Also slicing a divide in her afro). And of course, when Asae was knocked back, Dana was knocked clean out of her wheelchair and hit the ground hard. Dana screamed in pain as she realized what happened. Blood was oozing from her arm... and it looked like she would be bleeding to death if it wasn't treated. Infections were a problem too. It was also absolutely [i]painful[/i]. But there was something she could do to save herself... "It's... o-okay..." She had to hiss out. While on the ground, she grabbed her arm and looked at it. "... Just... just... stop looking at me... just for a minute...." She was hoping Asae complies, otherwise, Dana will have to take more [i]drastic[/i] measures. Asae immeditately turned around, swinging her sword at the ground, cleaning the blade, before putting it in it's sheath. She sat on her legs again, head down and her sword on her legs [i]You done fucked up Asae, she's going to hate you now, you're such an idiot, your first friend and you fucked it up, big time. This is why you should keep to yourself, so you dont hurt people, stupid stupid stupid[/i] she mentally abused herself for being the reason why Dana was injured bad, she hadn't even realized she was shaking in fear, not because of the bear anymore, but because of the injury, it had been so long since she had seen so much blood...so much. None the less have it be from her sword, she was even having a hard time breathing from the shock of the chaos. The very second Dana was out of sight... She changed. She turned into the abomination that no one must ever lay eyes upon. The wound was transferred to this alternate form, and it immediately began to repair the damage. Strange sounds came from Dana as this regeneration process took place. Inhuman breathing, the sounds of wet flesh shifting, and alien groans. In a few minutes... The wound was gone, but Dana experienced a phantom-pain from the wound. Jesus, it was all so overwhelming. Being in this hideous skin... and nearly getting ripped to pieces by a bear. She starred at her wound for a few seconds, blankly. All sounds she made suddenly came to a stop. "You..." Dana's voice was something unlike anything Asae has ever seen before. It was alien... something that no human being could be capable of saying. "... Just look at me, please!" She crawled towards Asae. She just wanted to be [i]human[/i] now. When Asae looked, her wound was gone. Not a scar or a sign of it being there either. Her clothes were bloody, but that was just about it. Asae turned around and saw that her wound had somehow healed, along with a number of sounds and...and her voice from before now gone. Dana's voice had changed to something to Alien it was almost as if...as if the girl wasn't there anymore. Though now she was normal, Asae helf out her sword "As a swordsmen who's sword was not only disarmed from her, but was the cause of injury of a friend, I must take punishment as you see fit. I'm really sorry Dana, I can't tell you how much I'm sorry." she couldn't stop apologizing, she just couldn't forgive herself for the incident. Punishment...? No, Dana would never [i]punish[/i] Asae for this. It was an accident. It wasn't anyone's fault. In fact, she should be [i]thanking[/i] Asae. She didn't know how she would have handled that bear on her own. "It's fine, Asae." Dana was quick to say. "I refuse to punish you...." Dana was still off her wheelchair. She crawled towards it, dragging herself closer and closer to it... Crap. It didn't look like it was in a good working order. The wheel is bent, along with the frame. Dana can still get in it, but she's better off just getting out of sight and zipping her way back to the school. "My chair..." Dana moved it a bit. "I... Can't use this...." Other than getting herself back here, that meant... Asae stood and put her sword back into the box, walking over to Dana, she gently picked up Dana like a prince would a princess "Then I will carry you for the time being, and you can refuse my offer this time, no if, ands or buts." she smiled weak, but Dana would still feel Asae shaking slightly and even the amount of embarassment followed by regret and self hate that Asae was screaming at herself, granted her face to anyone else would seem like she was fine. She walked in forward and suddenly realized "We...we aren't on the path...oh fuck" they were in the middle of the jungle, totally unaware of where they were, or atleast Asae was. She looked to Dana in her arms, her facing asking if she knew which direction was the path. "Thank you." Asae and Dana were basically the same size, and probably the same weight (Dana had a little chub on her). She was wondering how Asae could carry her, but she wasn't going to ask. Asae lifted her up with a surprising amount of strength, and it was rather shocking. She carried her forward... and they're lost, Asae swore like a sailor, and they were vulnerable to whatever else might be preying on them. "... I'm sure Henry's on the way. His hearing... his hearing is very good. Just... keep going. I do not want to stay here."