[b]Quietly, Ella squirmed in Marken's lap, unsure of how to respond to his curiousity. He wasn't badgering her for information, but she did think he had a right to know about her scars, and how she got them. Slowly, Ella peeled herself off of Marken and went back to the liquor cabinet for some more liquid courage. The already tipsy woman took a heady, deep swallow of the burning liquid before putting it down on the coffee table and reaching up behind herself. She didn't warn Marken before unfastening her dress and pulling it down to her waist, letting it pool to her feet. Her corset quickly followed after, leaving her in just a chemise hat barely left any park of her body to the imagination. Now it was time for the hard part. Slowly, Ella turned her back to Marken and began to pull her chemise open from the front. let the back fall to her elbows, and displayed her marked back. The healed gashes almost looked like wings now, but it was obvious that at one point, they must have looked horrendous. "H-here they are," Ella mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry if you find them unsightly..."[/b]