Bruce stayed on the lift a bit longer, even after Barbara had left. He couldn't help but feel helpless, he felt that he should know what to do in this situation, how to help her, but he didn't. That's what bugged him the most. It continued to nag at him as he flew through the air toward the hill, sliding down the snowy slopes, ignoring the air attacking his face. She was upset, and he had no idea how to handle it. The only thing he knew how to do when he was upset was to tune everything our and spar. He didn't want that for Barbara, but he couldn't deny that their situation was very different. She killed Reflex. She'd crossed that line that you just couldn't come back from. In his mind, once that boundary was crossed there was never any going back, and it only opened a pathway that led you further down into the darkness you created. If only he could help bring her out of that path, if he could, he would.