While still on the topic of NRPs, I've got a gripe list a mile high. I tend to be able to go along with most people and generally grit my teeth with things that bug the hell out of me, but I don't know what it is about NRPs that just bring out the worst in people. Honestly there are so many instances of people just being so caustic that their actions and words make me want to immediately drop a game(and in fact there have been occasions where I have). Its not an exclusive thing to NRPs but in my experience it seems to be very very pronounced there. Above and beyond that I agree that the concept pool for NRPs are highly disheartening most of the time. I barely have the time to commit right now to be a player, being a GM I think would make my head explode until things settle so I'm stuck with what little there is to have. I would love more than anything else to have a fantasy game that isn't hurrr steampunk or hurrr Game of Thrones but NOT(which is especially dubious because ASoIAF is already just European history but NOT) Tolkien stuff I'm fine with for the most part though. I could dedicate an entire forum to the list of things that I want to bitch about in Sci-Fi NRPs but I think I'm going to stick to the biggest one. [b] People who use entire nations or factions from other media. [/b] Its especially bad when they are obviously ripping something off but have tweaked it just barely enough that they think they can call it their own thing. If you want to play an existing faction from a setting at least own up to it, and if you're going to steal a chunk of your nation from something wholesale at least have the common decency to change the freaking names. I understand that it can be hard to come up with a unique idea sometimes, but that doesn't give you a free pass to just be something that someone has already made in my mind. Soapboxing over.