[b]Scenario #2[/b], [i]"Not the first?"[/i] --- Quietly, Sarah closes her eyes and listens to the near silence of the surrounding fog. There had been another expedition sent out earlier that day, but she prioritized healing the injured over being the first to set foot on new shores. Now, she took a deep breath in anticipation. [i]Ironshore.[/i] When her journey first began, she had experienced chills upon hearing its name. This was the land, spoken of to her by one of the other children of the Church. Hushed legends were what she remembered, chronicles of ages long past, and a war against the gods. [i]Heresy[/i], she muses, [i]but not without its entertainment value[/i]. She recalls the long, rainy nights under the covers, whispering back and forth with her bed-mate, discussing these forbidden stories to great length. And now, it seemed, she was to experience them firsthand. To her side, sat a man of curious origins: [i]A werewolf.[/i] From what little she knew of him, he was a misunderstood fellow with a bit of a...[i]how to put it[/i], bestial side to him. Naturally, the two of them had exchanged words and wonderment on the long journey across the seas, but neither had spent any exclusive time with the other, and it hardly seemed they would ever get such a chance in the future. [i]You never know, though.[/i] Further towards the end of the boat sat yet another interesting male of a curious species. An elf, faring from some of the greater of forests in Orysson. Even long after their first meeting, the sight of those peculiarly pointed ears made Sarah's heart flutter in excitement. [i]An elf[/i], she would think to herself loudly. The church where she had been raised had many books, and more than a few of those contained stories of elves. Still...she couldn't help but feel perhaps a little underwhelmed. This elf in particular never seemed to talk much at all, and stood at a height small enough that even she could compare. Suddenly, as if to signal the end of her lengthy internal review, the sound of hushed whispering overcomes the small rowboat. Sarah brings herself back to reality, and takes a careful peer over towards the rapidly approaching shore. [i]"This fog here, I'd hazard to say it's quite the bother to see through."[/i] Her thoughts slip from her mouth without much thought, as she beholds a whole variety of interesting and new sights, ranging from thick fog to a few patches of slightly thicker fog. Of course, she hadn't expected much more than this, but it was still jarring for somebody with as little adventuring experience as herself. Almost unconsciously, she traces her hand out into the gloom and mutters quiet, unheard words into the mist, searching within herself for the power she knew existed. She continues this for several seconds, culminating into a single, barely audible [i]"Lux"[/i]. Suddenly, there emits a mystical flash of light from the palm of her hand. Bright at first, the light quickly dies down with her touch and is eventually quieted to little more than a gentle, pulsing glow, held safely between her dainty fingers. Satisfied with her miracle, she quickly thanks the Patron for his gift and holds her tiny light aloft, in an attempt to perhaps reveal what they could not see so easily. But alas, the light revealed nothing. That's not to say it didn't pierce the fog, which it did very nicely, but the ominously quiet beach that sat waiting for them to land held no visible secrets. To her sharp eyes, there were no great fiends or unknown treasures lurking in that gloom, or indeed, anything more than simple clumps of sand and stone. And so, the rowboat makes shore without incident, and its tiny crew finally disembarks onto ancient land, gleefully unaware of what perils it may hold for them yet.