Garret followed in silence, the small irregular clicks of his amulets hitting against each-other beneath his roughspun tunic, the only sounds that came from him as he followed the short, fattening, ostentatiously merchant towards the large dwelling. The front doors stood open, a guard on ether side, each were taking names of the new arrivals and checking them off a list that each had in hand, and both looked exceptionally bored. As Garret and his master approached the door, the light airy sounds of music floated out the opening, only to be broken by the bored voice of one of the two door keepers. "Hold. Name?" he asked with an expression that betrayed the yawn that was about to erupt. "Luris Quisali, thank you very much." Garret's master responded, matter of factly, using his stubby fingers to flatten his hair as the guard flipped his list a couple of times, his eyes scanning the scrawled names. "Quisali.. Quisali.. ah here we are." The guard said after a short time "Seems I have you down here for yourself and a slave." He looked at Garret, who met his bored glance, with his own cold stare "Ok, go right in. Appears you got here just in time." He added with a sly grin. A disgusted look sat itself on Luris's face and he started in, Garret moved to follow when he was stopped by the two. "Hold on. Im sorry but we cant allow this one in here armed with those." the same guard spoke, motioning to the two war picks that hung from Garrets belt, and the two broad throwing daggers that were sheathed and tied on Garrets forearms. Luris sighed and turned, putting on what Garret called his lying face. "I'm so terribly sorry about that, hes one of those northern Vow dogs you see. Carries the things with him everywhere. Are you sure you can't just let him though, I swear no trouble will come of it." He smiled his ugly smile, the same smile a frost snake gave you before it bit you, Garret thought quietly to himself. But the guard shook his head. "Sorry sir orders are orders, and Lord Octave his ordered all weapons not possessed by house guards are to remain here." He emphasized the last part as he eyed the two semi-ornate picks, but gulped when he saw the glare that had formed of Garrets face. Luris only sighed and waved his hand and snapped his fingers at Garret, who always found this action infuriating, but he knew what it meant, and his contract meant he had to listen. Rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth. Garret removed the two knives and war picks delivering them to the waiting guard, who tied a bit of colored string around them and gave a piece of the same color to Luris, who tucked it into one of his velvet pockets. Finally being allowed inside, Garret allowed himself a small smile. The idiots hadn't checked him for any hidden weapons, he thought as he felt the press of the three hidden knife scabbards. But this moment of slight mirth, was of course soured when Luris decided to speak. "I keep telling you, but apparently those winters as you grew up froze your brain. Or is it that you just like making me look the fool, hmm?" He spat out in a hushed tone, the disgusted look reappearing on his face. "You need to learn. I. Own. You. Your contract was given to me as payment, and that means that you are mine. Do you understand me?" But Garret had long since stopped listening, instead his attentions were turned towards the center of the room for there she stood. She was indeed captivating as the others had said, and the attention of the room seemed to gravitate and swirl around her. She must have just finished her dance as the musician seemed to be conversing with her and one other. "Splendid isn't she?" and all at once the captivating spell was broken, replaced by the same old revulsion. "The one they are all here to see, well her and Octave's hospitality. But mostly her." Garret gritted his teeth once more as his master laughed at his own musings, his forming jowls rippling with the action. But even then, he watched the three, at least until Luris made a move once more, forcing Garret to follow him. The two weaved their way through the crowd, well Garret weaved, his master was more brunt in his advance a smile on his face. Following the mans movements Garret took a guess at where he was headed, the seated old couple seemed familiar, probably financiers of some venture of his master's or clients, it really didn't matter to Garret. As Luris reached the two he bowed, an odd sight to the mercenary who had crept up behind him. "Ah, friendly faces at last. My lord and lady it has been too long." he said his lying face already in place. Garet resisted the urge to roll his eyes behind the man, and proceeded to stop listening to the proceedings, only breaking his cold facade to give a slight smile to the small child with the two.