[b]Leah - The Road - Abram[/b] Leah watched as he put his rifle down, disarming himself as he told her he was friendly. She was unsure if she could trust him, even if he did disarm himself by placing his rifle on the ground. However when he mentioned medical supplies and that he could take a look at her leg, she knew she couldn't decline the offer. She could only do so much with her leg and though she's gotten by on it, she knew it would be a matter of time before it got her killed. She lowered her handgun, keeping it in her right hand by her side, just in case. She'd ran into trouble a few times with other people and had made some narrow escapes, because of this she was struggling to trust people lately. She looked past the man who introduced himself as Abram to see another figure down the road, confirming his honestly which allowed her to relax a little. Although it wasn't entirely impossible, people with babies didn't tend to be the kind to kill and rob you. "Ok..." she said softly, "My name is Leah".