"Ba Sing Se, the Everlasting City. The city never did live up to that name, during the 100 year war it was destroyed. But the Order of the White Lotus freed the city during Sozins Comet." I hear the city's past over the intercom. Not that I didn't already know all about the city, I loved history, it explained everything. I grin and step onto dry land as the deck hands tie up the boat. New Ba Sing Se is not like the old city, it was lifted up by as many earth benders as they could get, and set on a island. Now it is surrounded by water, with the sun glaring on the walls of stone. Thats three elements, and of course there are people who study Air Bending within the city walls. "I should be able to find masters hereā€¦" I mutter to myself and then notice pictures of my previous lives, the ones who saved the world, Aang and Korra. "To think I was once a water bender. Its too bad what happened to the earth Avatar." I read the posters "Today is Avatar Day? I totally forgot!" I look around and blend into the crowd, going to the center of the city.