[quote=Drake] Drake had been hanging back from the group that was starting to form. "Strange crowd," he said to himself. He decided he might as well join up with them though. He especially liked that Roxy girl, she was kind of cute. Either way, as a former God of Chaos, he would need to be able to at least be whimsical and charismatic. It's a sign of a good Chaotic God. He jogged over to the group. "Hey, wait up!" Drake called after them. "Mind if I hang with you guys? I don't have anyone else." [/quote] Roxy stopped and looked over her shoulder. "We're suppose to stay together so you might as well. We were heading to look at vehicles. We need transportation." She told him. She studied the new arrival curiously. "What god are you going for and what animal do we need to acquire for you?" She was curious if she was the only who had an animal that would be difficult to get.