[b]DeSean - Road - Heather/Jennifer/Group[/b] Throughout the malice events, the rain continued to pour unbelievably. It seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, non-stop. A loud thunderclap arose from the distance, as though the storm was just now passing by. Fortunately for them, lighting was not an issue, just pouring and loud bangs of echoing noise. So the situation was already heated with the weather alone. But once Heather decided to stand up for Seth, DeSean's worried condition changed. When she shoved him aside, the man snapped. "Don't you fucking touch me bitch!" he yelled over the strong winds. In all honesty, he never liked Heather - for the sole purpose that she broke Hank. Though it might have been the other way around, DeSean believed Heather was the reason for the breakup. He could tell Hank had been hurt by it - the man had never truly gotten over it, still hasn't. And DeSean blames Heather for it all. But right now was not the time to become aggravated by the past, there were more important matters at hand. Hank was out there in the midst of the storm, doing who knows what. And here stood Heather ordering DeSean to stay and leave him out there. When she spoke of the events that had happened, DeSean was still so clouded he did not take them to accord. He didn't even listen to her actually, he could only think of one thing. "That's my brother out there, I ain't leaving him!" he stated, shoving his way passed her with his rifle in hand. Suddenly, Jennifer exited the vehicle and ran towards DeSean. "D! D! What are you doing?!" she called out, covering herself with a blanket. "She's right, you can't go out there!" she added, yelling over the sound of raindrops and thunder. "He's out there Jen! He needs my help! He's family!" DeSean returned. He gripped his rifle tighter. "Just go back to the vehicle! Lock the doors! I'll be back soon!" he added, running towards the town completely soaked. Jennifer then turned back towards the lined up vehicles. He looked towards Heather without a clue. She didn't know what to do now, it was to believe none of them did. DeSean and Hank were the leaders and now they were both gone. The group never discussed who would be in charge if something like this were to happen. They were all just frozen in confusion.