A loud crash was all anyone heard as everyone turned to see someone fly through the window of the tavern. "I said keep your hands to yourself creep!" They heard someone yell as a girl jumped through the broken window. It was none other than Rikka stirring up trouble again, not that it was her fault, because it was avatar day and the tavern was already in a fuss. During busy days was when the shady people came out, and they would all hang out there and bother the waitresses and other women that came through there. One of the guys just couldn't take no for an answer and started getting handsy, but the girl warned him multiple times and told him to back off. Finally she couldn't take it anymore and kicked him through the window she was sitting next to. "What part of no didn't you understand! Are you deaf?!" The girl kept yelling as she walked towards him. "Do you know who you're dealing with?!"