Samael looked down through the hole towards Veragwen. She seemed to be adjusting the bandages of one of the others. A doctor, maybe? At least this group wasn't as badly prepared for travel as he believed. He could only wonder what someone like Armond would be doing with a merry band of misfits. "I am Samael," he said, turning back to his work, "I was hired by Lord Armond as a personal guard, which means that we will be travelling together for the time being." Samael didn't feel the need to go too much in to detail. There was only so much they needed to know. After about an hour, the roof had been sufficiently repaired. Not a moment too soon either as the rain went from a light storm to pouring. Samael pocketed the hammer he had gotten earlier and quickly climbed down the ladder, anxious to get back inside. His cloak was dripping with water when he reached the door, so he squeezed it out and hung it to dry on the coat rack on the wall. With this done, He dropped down in to a wooden chair near the front of the room. From there, he listened to the rain beating against the make-shift roof repairs. "It doesn't look like the rain will be stopping anytime soon," He said to the group, leaning forward in his chair, "So I'd like to ask a few questions. First of all, who are all of you and where are you going?"