Evelyn had spent the time since Pierce had left her in the room trying to pick the lock of the door with anything she could find. A little after 8, she finally managed to hear a small click. She breathed a sigh of relief, opening the door and leaving it. She was still in her dress she'd worn to work this morning, but the rounded collar was stained red on one side from her blood. She couldn't see her appearance at the moment though, considering she'd broken her mirror. She didn't care in a way either, seeing as how no one would want to look upon her again. The very thought of what she was now weighed heavily on her, and she made her way to the back door. Opening it and heading out, she let her hand grip the outside of it tightly, fear in every bone of her body. What was she supposed to do now? Who would even care about her now that she was a vampire of all things? Not to mention this undying thirst in her throat was driving her mad.