Varren put his orders away in a safe place and turned to his Centurions "Lets move our target is Sparta." He told them they nodded their heads and they left their commander standing alone in his command tent. Varren needed time to think a bit and he came up with an idea that could be of use. His only problem was implementing it. And making sure it worked. When the legion entered Greece and marched to Sparta he hired a local to feed the spartan army false information. The local failed and ended up revealing how close the legion was so the Romans and the Spartans met somewhere favorable to the Spartans and the Roman Legion was exhausted from it's long march so things seemed favorable to the Greeks. But things did not go as a Varren thought they would go he thought the Spartans would charge the exhausted Romans but instead they waited and for once Varren and his troops rested after their long march. The next day Varren gathered his ranks and formed them up. He used his light troops to harass spartan forces and goad them into charging. They fell for the bait and it seemed like the gods had blessed them. They chased the light infantry who easily kept out of their reach and fell behind the lines of Hastati who then closed ranks and engaged. The horsemen engaged the back flanks trying to avoid Greek spears.