[img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/147/5/1/zorua_by_andreehxd-d66umkw.png[/img] Name: Lupus umbra (wolf Shadow) Gender: Male Species: zorua Ability: Illusion (hes not That good at it due to lack of practice but hes training. so far he can only illusion Pokemon of the same size.) Starting Level: 13 Starting Moveset: Scratch, Leer Pursuit,Fury swipes. Personality: Lupus is a Curious Adventurous sort. he is always looking for new Things to try and do. hes also got a intellect. But he usually keeps it in the dark Like his sadness. so he almost always has a positive attitude. Even so when hes alone his true emotions show his sadness and regret about what happened to his family 5 years ago. But he is rarely alone. he likes to read books and see pictures so he can further his illusions. Even so Lupus is also a bit of a prankster as the nature of zorua Brief History: TBR (i want him to reveal it in IC