She kept raining hits down on Jason, her small hands surprisingly firm as she employed her feet to do some hard, manual labour in his groin area. Unfortunately, no shots landed and she didn't have a lot of time to do damage to him when she felt the back of her shirt being grabbed. Expecting to find Cypress, she was about to try and wheel about and attack them but when the ground was ripped away from her, she knew otherwise. "Eli you massive man-whore! I totally had that idiot!" She kept trying to kick down at the fleeting image of Jason, hoping that maybe some air would be manipulated down towards him and possibly kill him. Big possibility there, considering that she had no powers in that area. Growling, she tried to turn around and land a good hit on Eli before realising that hitting the person who was her only source of uplift, was a very bad idea. Gravity did hurt, after all. When they got down, she spiralled round on him, her blonde hair flying about her small form as she approached him. He was massive compared to her but Ruby did not care, whatsoever. "I totally could have wrecked him! And did you call me a skankopotamus? How five year old can you even get? I am in no way fat, and I have yet to shank someone!" She exclaimed before lifting her shirt to check that yes, she was not fat. Looking back up, she turned on her heels and crossed her arms over her chest, giving him the cold-shoulder. "You are a horrible friend. I was willing to be captured for you and you call me a hybrid of a shank and a hippo. I'm not from the hood, but you ain't gangsta, Eli, you ain't gansta."