"Damned if he wasn't holding back... But thanks for the save anyway, new g- ...nah. Torie!" Blaze chirped, pulling her shoulder into his, before turning her attention to the castle as she heard the sounds of battle coming through the walls. She could only imagine her best pal beating the snot out of some generic evil guy. He'd be all muscly, crazy and have black hair, ...and a moustache! A really evil one! The girl began to run off without really realising it, despite the pains from metal shards - some of which were still stuck in. The promise of another challenging fight was all she needed to will herself toward the scene - Iggy was fighting after all! "Hey, you didn't get to see Iggy and Mimi fight. Now's your chance to see a Dragon Slayer kicking ass, Torie! Th-the iron dude didn't count...!" Blaze stuttered, hesitant to admit she got beat. ---------- Things were going just swell, right up until the Spirits were summoned to support the boy. Reaver didn't expect wool of all things to hold against the swing of the scythe, the attack he'd hoped to end this battle with by taking Igneel's head. With the Dragon Slayer calling out humanoid goat-like spirit to fight, Reaver began to move back as he blocked and dodged the powerful hand-to-hand barrage using the pole of the scythe. He kept his footing in the retreat, his concentration was set on finding a way to beat back Capricorn before his master decided to make a move. Unfortunately for Reaver, the very moment Capricorn hopped back Iggy crashed into his chest head-first, like a damned torpedo. The result was Reaver finally showing a grimace in pain for one, but the attack launched him back to the other end of the hall, smashing into the wall opposite Iggy and Capricorn. The Dark Mage pulled himself out of the rubble, growling as he let primal rage consume him, fueling the darkness magic that now surrounded him in a large aura. He wasn't done. Reaver now wanted nothing more than to end Igneel, and then those friends of his whom he could sense were still alive after Kinzoku departed. "No... No! This time I'll show the Council the true extent of my power! You'll kneel before me and beg me to kill you before this is over!" Reaver roared as he sent a wave of darkness racing across the hall, aiming to consume Iggy underneath it like a miniature tidal wave. The result would be pain, obviously, but this magic was as alive as water - he would drown underneath it if he was caught, but his suffering would go on for what felt like eternity while in reality only a few seconds might pass. Best way to survive? The ceiling. ...Genesis Zero still wasn't being used. Reaver wanted to break his enemy before confining him to a prison of consumed souls.