Aurellius noticed the new arrivals with a bit of boredom. At first, it only really seemed like a small pack of the damn Grimm wolves. But, it turned out to be the opposite of that entirely. A whole bunch of the creatures seemed to suddenly converge on their position, being lead by what seemed to be a regular Beowolf, but at least thrice the size of the other ones. It was massive, even bigger than a damn Ursa. Had to had been at least the size of a house. Aurellius gave a quick grin to Aslin, who was standing next to him, before he jumped right into the fray. A massive blast of noise made his ears hurt a bit, almost like one of those fancy new flash bangs he had been unlucky enough to be near. But it seemed to piss off the Grimm a helluva lot more than it did to him. He was still mad at the fox for being so loud. Didn't she know that it would only attract more of the beasts? He paid no attention to it, just managing to hear the Bookworm speak of turning the huge Grimm into a bomb. Sadly without the explosions. Still, he didn't fancy killing it by conventional means. It wouldn't be a small task, if anything. Of course, he would first have to get to the damn thing before he distracted it. With Grimm howling around them, he was forced to thrust his way to the creature, punting a few of the small whelps out of his way on his path to destruction. He revved up his minigun for a few seconds, letting out a taunt at the Grimm. "[b]Come on, ya bloody tosser! Taste lead![/b]" Hell, it did well enough to grab its attention, even if it didn't really understand his words. Really, it probably sounded more like a dinner bell than a voice. His Ascalon fired, filling the air with even more stuff, from lead to noise. Of course, to no one's surprise, this Grimm was one tough cookie to crack. Bullets pierced in a few inches along the Beowolf, It roared with anger, even though he knew the bloody holes were more like pinpricks to it. Suddenly, one of those big black paws was headed straight for him. He stopped firing, satisfied with his attention-getting ability. He rolled, grunting as the air around him swooshed past. Still, a grin was on his face as he twisted mid roll, sending Ascalon, which had begun to transform into a lance, straight into the Grimm's paw. Of course, Aurellius wasn't expected to be pulled along with it as it roared. With a bit of a yelp, he was flung into the air, the lance finally deciding to pull out. Of course, not that he wouldn't make use of this tactical advantage. He flew up high into the air for ten meters above the beast, grinning even more as he began to fall. His lance glinted in the sunlight as he activated his thrusters, being sent downwards with a twisted laugh. At high speeds, his lance pierced the Grimm's jaw, slamming it into the ground very hard. He grunted as he was sent flying away, rolling for a bit before stopping. "[b]Was that enough to give you time?[/b]" he said, noting the beast's groans and howls on the ground, bright red blood pumping from a foot wide hole in its face. The bastard still had the tenacity to not die, though.