Keribo had been rendered speechless by all that had occurred, as he had been soon forgotten in the sheer randomness of the day. He trudge away from the group and found a nice large rock before bashing his head against it, in a futile attempt to knock himself out and get away from the stupidity. Or at least what he perceived as stupidity in his heat-induced irritation. OK he didn't really do that but he was seriously considering it when he found a scorpion on the rock. He took out one of his knives and pinned it by the tail, cutting the tip of the tail off and grabbing it before plopping it into his mouth. Might as well eat it, wasn't like it was going to accomplish much in it's life. He sat on the rock and watched the proceedings with a bizarre interest, not even realizing he had just popped open his last personal ration and was eating it and drinking from the canteen he hid on his body for extreme measures. He now stared right at the woman who had no clothes, with a look of neither perversion nor disgust on his face. "Strange people are emerging from the dunes..." He observed. "And one is indecent... What's next, some desert monster?"