[quote=BKburke] Truth is, I'm kinda stuck. I wanted to make a person from the east but as far as I know, I'm not sure what kind of name they would have. You don't meet a lot of people from the east in dark souls, as far as I remember, there was Sir Alonne and Shiva, also the ninja but he never said his name. Also, as far as equipment goes, I'm not sure what they would wear, looking from the character that were from the east, it does look more toward being a samurai/ninja look and I wanted to use Sir Alonne as an appearance but then I wouldn't feel right. [/quote] Well for names I guess think of something along the lines of Alonne and Shiva. Heck even if you must mix those two names together like Shivonna or Aiva. Not the best examples but just trying to help as for armor, best search option probably would be typing something like knight samurai armor. Here's a few I found that look pretty cool to me but it's entirely up to you of course: [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/134/2/e/Samurai_Knight_by_overdrivezero.jpg]Far East armor idea 1[/url] [url=http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd76/sugarandteeth/Pokemon%20Stuff/2182820-20armor20growlithe20meitei_28artist2920pokemon20samurai20sword.jpg]Far East armor idea 2[/url] [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/ba/af/ed/baafed5fd75de4f96d4e54a9cf10daa2.jpg]Far East armor idea 3[/url]