Jacque couldn't help but reflexively pinch the space between his eyebrows in frustration as the two females from one of the groups lashed out at the group of of men, one with fire, and the other, with a more physical approach. Sensing that an intervention with the city's police would be imminent, Jacque crouched and recalled the water before raising his hand in an upward motion and spreading out his fingers. The water that he was bending split off into twelve thing tendrils which he used to subdue Kari, Rikka, and the two men they had attacked by entangling their limbs. "Alright, ENOUGH. Whatever quarrel you've all got going is going to land you folks in jail. Worst still-" Jacque trailed off as he shot a glare at Kari, "-your firebending could really hurt someone if you aren't careful! Do you have any idea how easily you could cause an inferno in an enclosed space like this?", the waterbender barked as he suspended his captives in midair. As the crowd around him began to whisper, he picked up certain words that sent a small prickle of concern up his spine, words such as 'filthy benders', 'have them arrested', and, 'ban them all'. The words fueling his fire, Jacque raised the people in his grip a bit higher, "You see? You're causing a serious stir here. People are getting scared, not to mention seriously pissed. Just call it quits before I *really* have to step in an make you stop.". Although Jacque tried to keep his voice level, and continue acting as a mediator,, there was something in his last comment that still managed to bleed out despite his good intentions: there was an unmistakable underlying threat of violence.