[b]Heather - Road - 'He left us'[/b] Heather stood there, mouth open, as DeSean shoved her aside and walked away. He left them. She watched as he disappeared into the rain. He left them. If Seth or Jennifer tried to speak to her she didn't hear them. Her entire body was soaked to the bone, even through Floyd's jacket. She started to shiver. It was so cold... It was so cold... "He left us..." she murmured. In the midst of cannibals and walkers and God knew what else out there, he had left them alone, with no protection. Part of her wanted to sink down to the ground, to wallow in her own fear and misery, to give up. But that was not Heather. That was not the kind of person she was. DeSean was right, she was a bitch. A bitch who knew how to deal, to push aside whatever was happening and do what needed to be done. With that, she snapped out of the shock she was in. She grabbed the ends of the jacket and tied them around her midrif. She went back to one of the cars and opened the glove compartment, grabbing a rubber band to tie back her hair. "Seth!" she shouted and pulled out the two guns and little ammo that DeSean had left them. "If DeSean's not going to man up, then I will," she said and handed a gun to him. "Take this to Jennifer. Tell her to stay in the car, no matter what. She is our last line of defense. Tell her about the cannibals, about what you saw. About [i]everything[/i] you saw. Make sure she knows that there may be more out there, as well as walkers. And you, I want you to be my eyes. Get on top of one of the cars and keep a look out as far as you can. I will stay out here with the other gun." Giving him half the ammo and keeping the other half for herself, she loaded the gun and peered out into the rain, trying to distinguish forms. They could see some walkers moving about slowly, but they never came close to the cars. The sound of the rain must mess with their senses was all that Heather could figure. Maybe they would make it after all. As they watched Heather tried to keep from thinking about what had happened, with the cannibals, with Hank and with DeSean. The cold bastard didn't even care about what had happened to her. If it didn't happen to himself, Jennifer or Hank he didn't give a damn. He had his little world all built and no one else was allowed in it. Not Seth, not Floyd and sure as hell not her. She told herself she didn't care but it still hurt. To have someone dismiss something that was so devestating to you. Just thinking about what might have happened to her, to Hank. It was enough to make her want to scream or punch something. Preferably DeSean. She was brought from that happy thought by what looked like people walking through the rain. Heather squinted, trying to make out what they were. Was it Hank? Floyd? DeSean deciding to come back and protect them? Or was it walkers? Her eyes widened and her blood turned to ice. "Jennifer!" she shouted. "Lock the doors! Keep them locked! Seth! Lay flat on top of the car! Those aren't walkers!" She cocked the gun and aimed, ready to fire at the three men coming towards them with what looked like baseball bats and crowbars. As they suddenly started to run towards them Heather fired, the sound echoing through the rain.