Samuel was smoking a cigarette just 4 houses away from where Liz was said to live. He was going to kidnap her for a client who intended to use her as a hostage when he robbed a lab full of biochemical weapons. The man thought that the scientist, Liz's father, would be more willing to share passcodes and etc. if he had a bit of leverage. Samuel didnt much care, he was here for his paycheck to become the worlds youngest billionare. He was in the drivers seat of a black van, with 2 hired guns in the back at the ready. He was listening to Guns and Roses on the radio as he smoked. "Its a shame ya know." He calls to his men in the back as he waits for Liz to step outside. "Her father trying to protect her so much is the entire reason we have to do this job. Cuz the man loves her! Can you believe it? What a load of bull. Love aint but a fairy tale." One of the men in the back objects. "Naaaahhh. Its real man. Trust me. I love my wife some, but when i look at muh kids man... Oh i can feel the love..." He is promptly answered by Samuels laughter, and a raise in radio volume.