"That doesn't worry me" Jammy said, "You could just as easily be knifed in the street as abducted. No, if i went outside the city, Id have to take all my stuff with me, leaving none in the city, because i wouldn't be aware of what I'd need" Nyx contentedly waited for Kos to speak, then shrugged, and said "Right now, its merely just looking after the egg. Not so hard. Keeping it warm and safe. Just seems like endless waiting for it to hatch, so we can meet our hatchling. I just feel...Amazed and impatient. " She laughed, "It's a type of immortality, isn't it? children. Grandchildren. Great grandchildren..As long as our lines live, there's a little part of us living on, through our children" hermia thought for a minute, before sayig "We could see how our siblings are. It's been a while, it seems, since I've talked to any of them"