[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/339jevs.png[/img][/center] Before he could protest, Aiden and Lizbeth were gone and a barrage of bullets struck the rock he had positioned himself behind. He waited for the barrage of paint bullets to cease, then crept towards where Lesley and Leila were standing. "I guess it's up to us to find Jasper and Inadi," he laughed a little but froze when the sound of gunfire echoed across the forest. Judging from where the bullets came, Jasper and Inadi were somewhere closer to the swamp. He couldn't see Est or Breeze, though Harper doubted they were far away. "Leila, Lesley," he gave them both a salute. "If we circle around them we might be able to get some shots in." He tapped them both on the shoulders and laughed. "Leila's an archer and you're a paint master, so let's go win this game!" He wasn't one for confrontation, but this was all in good fun and after spending who knows how long at the Queen's castle, being out and about felt good. He nodded his head and ducked made his way towards a rotting tree. "Don't stick your head out and be careful for robots." [center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/bh0zv8.jpg[/img][/center] Unlike the humans who were being all strategic, Aiden was hopping from rock to rock, chirping gleefully like some ecstatic rooster. "Est! Hey, hey, Est? Are you here? No?" He circled around a tree and peered at some of the bushes. "How about here?" Silence greeted him and the Nobody puffed out his cheeks in disappointed. "Lizzie?" No one answered. "Oh c'mon, this is getting boring. We're here to have fun!" He heard the rustling of leaves a devious grin lit up his face. "Est?" There was no answer, so he began tiptoeing towards the bush, grinning like a cheshire cat as he did so. There was more rustling and soon a squirrel leaped out of the bush, attaching itself to the Nobody's visor. Aiden shrieked like a banshee and all the birds in the vicinity flew off. [center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/ngwmyf.jpg[/img][/center] That...idiot? Cheese for brains? She couldn't even come up with the appropriate word to describe her partner. She wondered what had happened, had Est and Breeze found him or had he fallen into one of the traps set by the other players? Lizbeth let out a sigh, whatever he was doing, he had better shut his mouth. If he kept this up, all the enemies in the area would be alerted. She shook her head right and left then made her way back towards the edge of the forest. Neither Aiden nor the humans were there and it was absolutely empty. She wondered where they had ran off to and had prepared to turn around, but gray smoke caught her eyes. And then the trees began to shake and the beeper on her shoulder began flashing red. Something was coming... Meanwhile, Lesley, Leila, and Harper had finally managed to locate the couple. The duo were hiding behind a log and now would be their chance to strike. Harper took a step towards Inadi and Jasper but as he did so, the trees behind the duo began to bend and heavy footsteps resounded throughout the arena. "OH..." he gasped and clamped both hands over his mouth. If Jasper and Inadi hadn't noticed him yet, then there was no way they wouldn't notice [i]that[/i]. "Source of noise, detected!" Apparently, one of the robots had heard Aiden's screaming, but instead of finding the soldiers he had run into the humans. The giant creature had to be at least nine feet tall and it had two paint cannons where its arms should have been. [hider=Dun Dun Dun][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/133/9/b/7_by_niamstudio-d7ia25t.png[/img][/hider] Harper's eyes went wide and he backed up into Lesley, apologizing when he stepped on his friend's toes. "J-J-Jasper...Inadi," he gestured around awkwardly with his hands, his mouth hanging agape. "I think you should walk away slowly..." A burst of steam shot out of the creature's back and two bright red laser dots landed on Inadi's and Jasper's visors. Three more dots shot out of the robot's own visor, positioning themselves over Lesley's, Leila's, and Harper's chests. "Or run, we can all just run!" The creature opened fire and he tackled both Lesley and Leila to the ground. "Guys, guys, guys! The forest," he scrambled to his feet and motioned wildly for Inadi and Jasper to join them. "Let's go—oh my God." The robot fired another shot, snapping a [i]tree[/i] in half. Harper's eyes grew the size of saucers, and soon each of the humans had a bright red laser positioned between their eyes.