Ash: “Firstly, lets check out what we’ve got for travel and make sure we pool together what fuel we can for the trip out and back. We’re also going to need at least another two people to come with us...once we’ve got those sorted we can go over the map. If Dog can find it for us” Kaylah just listened; there was nothing to add to what she said so she uttered nothing. Kaylah found herself following Ash to some farm vehicles. She watched as Ash went to the pick-up truck which was useful for carrying things, the tractor next to it would have been rather amusing to see being used to gather fuel, it almost sounded like something a video game would do to a player just to make the game longer to annoy them on some level. Her train of thought soon disappeared as she heard the young lady speak up. Ash: “These guys were rather trusting...” Kaylah: “How long were they on the farm for, I am sure no one here is that trusting just yet?” It was a question with no real answer, Lloyd was under the weather so he could not answer it and she was sure none of others knew. It might have come up but it might of gone through one ear and out the other. Blue watched Ash open the door of the vehicle where she soon heard the sound of a key turning in the pick-up truck which was soon met with the sound of it running, it was good for them but it would get the attention of unwanted guest if they were nearby or close enough anyway. Ash soon popped out of the driver’s seat where she brought a question up. Ash: “Want to give those tubes a test run? We need more fuel, could you see if any of these other vehicles have any in their tanks. The more the better” Kaylah: “I suppose, I am sure the tractor over there is pretty useless in this type of world. It being too slow to get away and kind of hard to drive I guess I will ty that first.” Without any time to waste the cosplayer/stripper walked over to the tractor where she checked it over. She checked if the keys were in it like the other vehicle but she did not see them. Kaylah soon touched the tractor which was painted blue for some reason; maybe the owner just liked that colour over green. The body was cold meaning no one had used it for a while though since they had been here there was no need to. She circles the vehicle several times before opening up the cap where the fuel pump would be inserted or a canister that had the tip that poured stuff out. The cap was a bit tough to open as it was a bit rusted but with a little effort she managed to open it. It made a sound of rust rubbing against two sheets of metal. The first thing that happened when she did open it was being met with a horrible smell of fuel. It was really strong for some reason, she did not know too much about cars other than driving them. She did try and start to learn about engines and how they worked but the world kind of ended so she had to drop it. She wasted no time as she took one of the tubes and removed it from herself and slowly placed it in until it was in the tank itself. A med sized canister was near by making her reach out to pull it closer while she held the tube with her other hand. The sound of dragging could be heard on and off until it was next to her. With the canister next to her she puts her mouth around the horse and begins to suck on it. The smell gave her a strange taste of the fuel and it was really unpleasant. Luckily no one was around to make some joke about it, like she needed something like that right now. She had watched movies and some TV where people used a hose and sucked on it to start the fuel flowing. Just like in those two mediums the fuel tried to run though she did several deep breathes to get it started. She had to be quick or she would be wasting what they had making her put the tube straight into the empty canister. For a moment nothing happened though soon the sound of something flowing could be heard and then the sound of liquid hitting the bottom of the canister followed. She was not sure how much was in here but time would tell as she stood next to with her back against the tractor with her arms folded. Her eyes stayed fixed on the tube, she would keep a hold of it in a moment but she wanted to make sure the flow was working well. A minute passed and Blue put her one hand on the tube and the other on the canister itself to keep control of it and stop it just in case there was more in the tractor then she though. She did not want the flow to stop or she would have to start the process again which she could see happening though really this was the first time she had tried such a thing and movies and TV were usually not to realistic. At this time she wondered how the other girl was doing; last thing she saw was her going to the front of the pick-up truck. She wondered if she should live the dog here or not as the fuel soon came to a stop. She had to repeat the process, not that she wanted it, and it just had to be done. It was a good way to check if the tank was empty or not, it would suck if it did. She removes the hose which had nothing coming out of it except the odd drip of fuel. Cleaning it a bit up with her free hand she repeats it once more though this time the taste was ever more real. She felt a little sick from it as well but that would pass quickly.