Of couse I won't start with everything! Isn't that obvious? Also, Chkara Rank & Village Rank are two different thinks, I could be a lowly Genin but have S-rank Chakra and destroy a Jonin. Depending how many Chakra Natures we start with decides my fate for starting with my KKG. My Dragon's Eye may be like a sharingan via development, as in I have to develop it. [Hider= Current Dojutsu abilities] - [- Rank] Dragon's Strength - Unlike other jutsu, this Dojutsu increases your strerngth to that of a Dragon's, it can't be turned off, it's natural. -[S Rank] Heavenly Fire Dragoon - The user with the Dragon's Eye Dojutsu can unleash his chakra and turn into a "Dragoon" form. Increasing his speed, strength, giving him wings for flight, and indestructible armor which Taijutsu and Genjutsu is useless against. The armor absorbs ANY fire, water, and wind based Jutsu. The transformation depending on the current status of the user and how much chakra he has is how long the form will stay. -[A Rank] Deathly Fiery Ring: Nin-Genjutsu Combo - The user forms a ring of fire before him and aims it at his enemy, "shooting" it forth. The ring will automatically home in on the opponent, once having touched the opponent, the ring traps the opponent via a Hula Hoop method and tightens around the opponent. Afterwards, the Ring of Fire spins up and down the body digging itself in and out of the body with many 1st degree burns. A weak genjutsu that paralyzes the opponent is used as well in combination with the ring. [A Rank] Heavenly Dragoon Method: Fire Burst - Storing chakra within one's own body, the user unleashes a huge blast of fire in the form of a sphere around the battlefield, a ring of fire to eliminate anything that survived afterwards. The moment the fire touches your body, it wiklat the very least incapcitate you, but has a high chance of killing. -[B Rank] Heavenly Dragoon Method: Furious Swipes - With use of enchanced speed and flight, the user sends his razor-sharp wings into the opponent in a blinding speed fury, depending on the closeness and how the wings hit, it can range from that of three small gashes to a total destruction of the flesh. -[B Rank] Placeholder -[C Rank] Place Holder -[C Rank] Placeholder -[D Rank] Placeholder [/hider]