"Ah. I guess that makes sense however My power is not over tech, but as technology." He said grinning. "A god out of the machine. So long as one creature, god, human, or otherwise Uses technology I will have those who follow me." He smiled and nodded seemingly self satisfied "Technology and Technomancy however, are different, I have no power over Technomancy, Such as Alchemy or magically powered automatons. However, so long as it does not rely on arcane arts and is mechanical...." He winked and opened his hand a small mechanical butterfly folding in to existence "I can do as I please with it." He bowed and turned back to class. "This was a awesome chat, we should do it again at some point!" he said cheerily and settled down back in the circle, the mechanical butterfly flitting round the circle, pausing every so often to devour a insect, feeding it in to its internal bio-generator.