Pain. That was the first thing he became aware of as his consciousness returned. He first noted it as no more than insistent aching in his arms, his legs, his chest, but it slowly seemed to spread and grow, until even his head from throbbing. He couldn’t... quite recall what had happened. He remembered the cliff, the Heart of Zygarde shattering into pieces, the looks of horror on the faces of the temple guards, a feeling of smug satisfaction at his victory... but trying to recall anymore made the pain in his head worsen. He opened his eyes, but had to quickly close them a intense light entered his vision. He waited a moment, then opened them again, slower this time. It took a moment, but he soon adjusted, and light gave way. He could see now, see the world around him, yet what he saw puzzled him. He seemed to be lying in field, pretty empty of any signs of life or people. The grass has grown pretty long in this area, weeds and flowers of all variety surrounding him. It would have been a peaceful area had it not been for the fact that he had no idea where he was. He started to try and sit up... Then he saw the claws... his claws. Not hands. His legs, shorter, covered in grey fur. His tail... he had a tail now, composed of three coral-colored feathers... Something was wrong. He had... changed. “Oh Arceus...” --- [centre][b]POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON[/b][/centre] [centre][b]TREE OF THE COSMOS[/b][/centre] --- “Care to explain what this is?” Willow’s usually composed face twisted slightly as a sheet of paper was shoved under nose, blocking the view of the book that she had previously been reading. She had heard Sergeant Arcanine coming up the stairs, of course, had heard the little bell ring as he shoved the door open, and had even called an absent-minded “Welcome” to him as he came stomping through the rooms in search of her, yet she had remained seated, concentrating on her work despite the fact she knew she would be interrupted any second. “Well?” the Sergeant demanded, standing above Willow’s desk in his most intimidating manner. “I believe,” Willow said, in her softest and most controlled tone. “That it is called an advertisement.” This caused the Sergeant to let loose a snarl and viscous bark. “Don’t get smart with me, missy!” he shouted. “What exactly is this about an ‘Adventurer’s Guild’?” The advertisement the Sergeant had pushed into Willow’s line of view was one she knew well. After all, she had written it herself only a week before, and it was only one of many copies she had made. It read as follows: [centre][i]ATTENTION ALL For many weeks now, a string of strange and unexplained phenomena have been occurring. Natural disasters have been occurring in many area, causing many Pokemon to lose their homes and in some desperate cases, even their families. Some Pokemon, once as kind and humane as the rest of us, have gone wild, attacking others they may have once considered friends. Finally, there have been the appearances of the elusive Mystery Dungeons, perilous areas which seemed to twist and change at will. None of this is normal, and is causing the suffering of many. That is why I have decided it is time we say “no more”. I intend to get to the bottom of this but I cannot do it alone. You’ll find me at the old library to the north of Sunny Town. Come find me, and together, we will start our quest to get to the bottom of this. The Adventurer’s Guild needs YOUR help. Signed Willowisp[/i][/centre] “It’s just as it is says, Sergeant,” Willow said with a shrug before pushing the paper away and returning to her book. “Listen here!” Arcanine yelled. “What you have written here is an insult to me and my police department!” He glared down at her. “It’s as if you’re saying I am incapable of doing my job.” Willow said nothing, simply turning over the page. “Are you even listening to me!?” Arcanine shouted, slamming one of his front paws down on the desk. Willow sighed before raising her head to look up at the Sergeant. “I have no idea why you’re getting so upset,” she said. She motioned to the room around her. “After all, no one has actually shown up.” There was a slight bitterness to her tone as she said that and even the Sergeant, as angry as he was, couldn’t miss that. Arcanine sighed. “Look,” he said, softening his tone as best he could. “I know you mean well... but this is police work. Leave these disasters to me and my force.” He then turned and left, exiting out the library door and making his way down the wooden steps from the treehouse. When he left, Willow’s whole body seemed to relax as she flopped over her book. “Oh Arceus,” she muttered to herself. She stayed there, head pressed against her desk for minute or so before straightening up. As she did, she caught sight of the advertisement on the table again and breathed out a deep sigh. She hadn’t been lying to the Sergeant when she had said no one had answered. It really upset her, but no one had come to the library inquiring about joining her guild. She thought that someone, anyone, would want to help her out. She picked the advertisement up and crumbled it up into a little ball. “Stupid...” she muttered to herself before tossing the paper ball across the room. It hit the side of a bookshelf, bouncing off it and then, ironically, landing right next to Willow’s foot. Willow eyed the paper ball angrily and kicked it away from her before returning to her book, a mixture of frustration and sadness building up inside.