[i][u]Red Winston, Christopher Fox & Victoria LaRouse[/u][/i] Shannon's comment was not unexpected and a possible outcome in Red's calculations, but, still, it was not the most pleasant thing to hear. He needed as much allies as possible and not a single enemy if he could. This applied especially to Shannon, since she was the best friend of his most valuable ally. Of course, he would prefer skipping the explanations, he hated to talk about his father and his guilty conscience after all, but there was no other wait around it. What was sure, was the fact that he was not going to discuss it now. [i][u]Not here[/u][/i]. There was a crowd gathering one by one and Red dispised commotion. If he could help it, he would only explain to Shannon and Deborah, maybe Nikki too, if she was interested. Red couldn't help but notice the glances of people when he was called a murder. It was bound to interest some people after all. What he didn't know was the reason. Maybe he was considered a threat and they wanted to get rid of him? Maybe someone wanted him to do some dirty work? That would be funny, since Red was not literally a killer. He wondered how many people would he disappoint if he said that. He was aware that it was guilt that made him feel that way, but he couldn't get rid of the idea. At least, this could provide a protection of sort and people might think twice before messing with him. If that worked, Red would be safer against all these crazy-strong students. Luckily for him, Deborah gave the cue to discuss this elsewhere. It was a god-sent gift to Red. He had the luxury to discuss things with the two girls away from all the crowd around him. He nodded to Deborah in approvement and whispered to Shannon: "As long as we are more private and you give me enough time, I can explain, or, even better, I can show you...", the last part implying that they could use Deborah's power to actually see as much as her power could see. Meanwhile, Chris was also intrigued when the word murderer came up, even more so when it had to do with Red. He was curious about what he meant when he said that, so he interrupted the conversation with Victoria, saying: "Ehm, would you mind going over there? There is something I want to check out..." Victoria replied positively, being curious about the murderer part herself. If a murderer was among them, Victoria would smack him one. She didn't like people like that loitering around the school. With that, they both headed towards the group.