[center] [b]Name[/b] The Bogeyman, goes by Booker Manson when speaking to mundies [b]Nickname[/b] Boogie [b]Race[/b] Monster [b]Gender[/b] The name is Bogey[I][b][u]man[/u][/b][/I] take a guess [b]Appearance[/b] [url=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Rock_zpsacec8fe2.jpg.html?sort=3&o=19] Glamor- Boogie is 6'3 in height with a thin body build. His skin is a very light pale color, almost rivaling Snow's, and his hair is a ebony black color. His eyes are hazel, but change to a bright yellow when he gets angry or feels like making a point. He normally wears punkish clothes, them usually being black and slightly torn. He has several piercings in both of his ears along with one on his bottom lip and one on his tongue. He has a large tattoo on his back of a horned skull that is crawling with spiders and has a snake coiling in and out of it's mouth and eye sockets[/url] [url=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/Boogie_zps5b9b47f5.jpg.html] No Glamor- Without his glamor Boogie is literally something out of nightmares. He is a shadowy monster that stands 9 feet tall and is shrouded in a thick smog. In the mist is a monstrous skeleton with large horns, long arms that end with large claws instead of hands, and empty eye sockets that have two yellow glowing orbs like fires that act as it's eyes. He glides and floats through the air instead of walking which add to his unsettling nature.[/url] [b]Job[/b] Nightclub Owner/Musician [b]Personality[/b] As you'd expect Boogie is a mischievous, creepy, and rather immature person, though the word person is only used loosely. He is fiercely loyal, seeing the whole of Fabletown as kind of family that he is a part of and needs to help protect. He loves music and plays whenever he gets the chance to, which usually is early in the morning when he gets off work much to the distain of his neighbors. He has a strong sympathy for the less fortunate Fables in town, especially the girls who work at Porgie's though only people who know him well know why. He has a certain respect for Bigby most of the other Fables don't have, seeing as Boogie knows how it is to "[I]be the monster trying to make it in Prince Charming's world[/I]" as he puts it. He puts on the air of a relentless flirt, hitting on almost every female Fable that he meets, but really he is a hopeless romantic, loving romance novels and movies, sadly though he seems to scar off any potential happy ever afters. [b]Fable[/b] Before he left the Homelands Boogie was a monster that terrorized, kidnapped, and ate the people of the lands. Their are many rumors on how he came into existence, such as he was a nightmare that came to life or he was a fairy corrupted by the evil of mankind, but whatever the truth is to this day he has remained very tight lip about it. But what is known is that he was the being that made everyone keep the candle on their nightstand lit all night, the reason parents told their kids to stay in when it was dark, but most importantly he was the reason people checked under their bed before they went to sleep. Sadly that all changed when the Adversary started to take control of the Homelands. Sure Boogie put up a fight, protecting the weaker Fables and attacking the Adversary's forces when he could, but like so many Fables he eventually had to abandon the Homelands for somewhere new. He settled in Fabletown like the others, signing the Fabletown Compact. Boogie spent a few centuries doing random jobs just to get by, his lowest moments were when he had to work at Georgie Porgie's as a "entertainer" on ladies night or for anyone else with that certain "taste". But eventually he saved up enough money open his own nightclub just outside Fabletown, he called it [I]Rumors[/I] and it has become a real hit with the mundies, he works as both the club's owner and a musician to help bring in more crowds. He has occasionally been called in by Bigby and sometimes Bluebeard, though Boogie doesn't like him much but he does pay well, to help with interrogations of suspect Fables, he seems to know the perfect way to get anyone to talk. [b]Abilities[/b] [I]Fable Physiology-[/I] Boogie has the inhuman endurance, strength, and healing that most monster Fables have. [I]Levitation-[/I] When in his true form Boogie floats through the air rather than walk, no one sure if he really has legs or not as no one has seen past the smog that covers him clearly enough to tell. [I]Invisibility/Intangibility-[/I] Boogie is able to disappear completely from view or turn his body into pure smog that can slip through small openings. [I]Illusion Creation-[/I] Boogie is able to cast images, sounds, feelings, and smells into the minds of others that are so realistic that they are unmistakable as real, he use to use this to terrorize the people of the Homeland. [I]Fear Sense-[/I] Boogie is quite literally the origin of the phrase [I]"it can smell your fear"[/I]. He has the bizarre sixth sense of being able to sense the fears of those around him. The best way he has ever described it as was when he said people's fear appeared in subtle ways, like someone with a fear of fire would appear to have a few embers coming off them or another person who is afraid of drowning would smell of sea water. [b]Other[/b] [I]Once upon a time... I was a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGbNbn8tB5k]Monster[/url] [/I] [/center]