[center][b]Rapunzel[/b][/center] [center][i] Call me Elle[/i][/center] [center]Human Fable[/center] [center]Female[/center] [center][img= http://www.impactlab.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Punk-Girl-830.jpg][/center] [center]5’7” with a lean/fit body type, short blonde hair and emerald eyes (dark eyebrows), with a lightly tanned complexion, and a few tattoos dotting her skin[/center] [center]Currently a photographer (changes every few years)[/center] [center]Personality: Humble- Elle knows what’s here today might not be here tomorrow so it’s best to be thankful for everything. Fickle- Because she knows how temporary things can be, she finds herself not getting attached to anything or anyone. If she finds herself liking someone a lot, she will often run, afraid of loving someone just to lose them. This also applies to her hobbies, where she gets obsessed with something, drops it, then moves on to something else. Empathetic- Elle can easily feel others’ pain and happiness. She cries easily and laughs just as easily. Fun loving- Elle hates serious discussions and topics that bring her down. She would much prefer to go to a party, hang out with friends, do anything to stay upbeat. Fable: Once upon a time, Rapunzel was born to an average mother and father. Her mother had her father steal rampion to make her salads from an enchanted garden next door. However, the garden he stole them from belonged to the witch Gothel. In order to escape Gothel with his life when he was caught, her father had to promise to give the witch his daughter after she was born. The witch came and took the girl, naming her Rapunzel. She grew to be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom, the rampion having given her long locks of hair and the sweetest face. The witch locked her in a tower when she was 12 years old however, with only a window in and out. The witch would cry “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me,” and Rapunzel would toss her hair out the window and pull Gothel up. Her hair was strong and spun like gold, and she kept it braided for the witch to climb up on it. A few years later, a prince happened by and heard her singing in the tower. He was enchanted and waiting to see how one would get into the tower. Behind a tree, he saw Gothel call out to Rapunzel, and the long hair that fell down for her to climb. So, the next day, the prince repeated “Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair to me” and climbed up after she tossed out her hair. When he appeared to her, she was frightened, but he was kind. They became friends, and eventually more as he would visit her daily after the witch left. One day, Rapunzel asked why Gothel was so much heavier than the prince, sending the witch into a rage. She chopped off her hair. Gothel waited for the prince to come, tossing out Rapunzel’s braids when he called, only for him to be pulled up and see the witch. Gothel then shoved him from the window, letting him fall into the briar bushes below (where he eventually survived but blind, and then eventually escaped to the mundane world though Rapunzel has no knowledge of this and has never run into him). Mourning what she assumed was the death of her lover, Rapunzel was taken to the mundane world by the witch, hoping the girl would suffer and die in the American wilderness without magic to save her. Gothel went back to the Homelands and was killed by the army of the Adversary. Rapunzel was saved by some colonists, and has lived in America, not aging and eventually making her way to Fabletown, NY. [/center] [center]Abilities: Peak human strength, peak human endurance (she’s stronger than the average human and can endure more, harsher conditions, etc)[/center] [center]Other: Non-magical abilities that she’s picked up during her time on earth include- jujitsu, expert musician in just about every instrument, highly intelligent from all the books and studies she’s read, cooking, artist, dancer (nothing like ballet however as she’s not the most graceful), knitting, home brewing (a la the 1920s), juggling, excellent at most sports though she prefers badminton and volleyball, quilting, sewing, soap making, loves video games, writing (though she hasn’t published anything), archery, card games, fishing, gardening, biking, jogging, photography, swimming, shooting hand guns (always too scared of anything bigger), darts, kickboxing, cosmetology, and movie buff[/center]