Valerion felt energised now that he had eaten, it's was a slight pity that he was a family man, but it was inconsequental to Valerion and all that mattered was that he done it with no one knowing about it. It didn't take long for him to reach the foot of the mountain again, and the guard was still there on the far side of the bridge. There was numerous sounds in the evening air, although they were dampened down by the snowfall. However there was one that was getting a tad louder the closer he got to the far side of the bridge. It was odd, a loud rasping noise, followed by a small sighing. Valerion stood there for what felt like ages trying to place his finger on it, but it was futile. Valerion shook his head and moved on, but once he reached the guard that was standing in the same spot with a small bed of snow on his shoulders he discovered what the noise was. It was the guard snoring... Somehow the guard was sleeping in this weather, whilst standing! Valerion was very impressed, it took some real skill to do that, and was impressive within its own right. Chuckling to himself he continued over to the inn, his cloak billowing in the wind behind him as he walked swiftly to the warmth. The inn was just as loud as it was when he passed it earlier, but the sounds were more of merriment, it was obvious that drinks were being consumed at a fair rate in there. Valerion stamped his boots on the porch and removed his helmet, placing it underneath his left arm. Once he opened the door to the inn he was accompanied by a powerful and cold gust of wind, which caused the fire pits homey fire to crackle and dance violently, the door then slammed shut behind him as if by magic. The music stopped and at the very least half of the inn began staring at this new figure. Some were looks of interest, some of lust but mostly they were of fear. Just as Valerion liked it. However the music resumed shortly after this intrusion and people resumed to their laughter, discussions and the consumption of alcohol. Valerion walked leisurely to the bar and sat at an empty stool, the occupant quickly vacated when he relised that he was walking to the bar. He ordered a glass of firebrand whiskey and rested his helmet on the bar. The barmaid who served him made sure to try and show as much of the top of her breasts as she could, whilst serving this drink but Valerion simply paid the 15 septims and started sipping his drink with complete disinterest to the foolish girl. He began observing the other members of the inn, trying to deduct who he will be serving with shortly.