The Typhoon Warriors certainly had mixed feelings. The idea of increased authority, with the necessary responsibility, was both appealing and frightening. The Argonians were delighted; Three-Horns felt that he could do much more work if he could lead his own group and Dar Ray liked the idea of gaining the power he once had back with the East Empire Company. Sheol and Fletcher weren't so enthusiastic. Sheol was trying to actually not to draw too much attention to herself, and Fletcher simply had no idea what he'd do if he was expected to rise above the others. He hardly knew what to do with himself, let alone what he should do if he became something more than an officer. He just wanted to go out on adventures. Harasha remained apathetic to the entire ordeal. Appropriately Dar Ray spoke first. "Challenge accepted. But if you are willing to answer, captain, what would you do with us when we become stronger? Would we still have to work under Malakaus, or will we become officers ourselves?" If this was indeed a test of loyalty, surely Sharee would feel threaten if others began to rise in power over her. Dar Ray had a scheme in mind which involved getting into Sharee's better graces. If he remembered correctly, aside from her officers Sharee had no personal underlings. Dar Ray thought that he could prove his worth to Sharee and work for her instead of Malakaus, who only see's Dar Ray as mere enchanter. "Are we to spar you today, or will that happen later? It wouldn't be right to go against you if we aren't at our strongest, so I wonder if I could postpone my bout with you until say... After we defeat the Miriam?" Three-Horn asked. He didn't really have any intentions of earning more authority, but he certainly had ideas he wanted to test out. He rather liked working with Malakaus as he was willing to assist Three-Horns on his creative ideas, but hoped that if he did rise in the ranks of the ship Three-Horns wouldn't just be limited to working on whatever project Malakaus has him doing. Enchanting caught his interest the most, but like Malakaus Three-Horns was concerned about keeping the ship ready for battle and had one idea that might work. Once Malakaus came back, Three-Horns was thinking of talking to him about this idea. Fletcher also wanted to go talk to Malakaus, or really anyone as soon as possible. While still very fearful for his life, he at least knew that running away was out of the question. He wanted someone to train him, though he'd rather not have to deal with his own boss. He knew that Sarel was one of the other officers and was teaching some of the other crewmen swordsmanship. Fletcher made a mental note to see him for training. Sheol was most apprehensive to the idea of actually promoting herself. She was just following orders, and now it seems to simply be getting her into more trouble than it's worth. However Sheol wasn't going to try to deny the captain's request to spar her, as it would look more suspicious if Sheol tried to weasel out of it. With any luck, the other members of the Typhoon Warriors would take most of the attention off of her. She looked at Harasha with a bit of scorn as her friend seemed to be drawing attention to them with her words. Harasha just kept looking at Sharee. "If that's all, can we get back to work?" Harasha said gruffly.