[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2na6543.png[/img][/center] --- [center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2qnbjir.png[/img][/center] ✿[b]Name:[/b] [i]Miss Barbara Greene.[/i] ✿[b]Nickname:[/b] [i]Bambi is just fine with her.[/i] ✿[b]Race:[/b] [i]Animal (Deer) in the Homelands. Human via glamour in and around town.[/i] ✿[b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] ✿[b]Job:[/b] [i]During the normal work week Bambi makes a living as a helper at a florist shop in the city. On the weekends she uses her growing skills to maintain, grow, and sell plants of the smoking type to both fables and mundies. She gets more of an adrenalin rush out of her weekend gig, but the stability of a real 9-5 job the other days during the work week comforts her somewhat.[/i] ✿[b]Personality:[/b] [i]Skittish. Nimble. Emotionally Withdrawn Unless Feeling Safe. Inconsistent. Curious.[/i] ✿[b]Fable:[/b] [i]"Once upon a time, Bambi was a roe deer fawn born in a thicket to a young doe in late spring one year. Over the course of the summer, her mother taught her about the various inhabitants of the forest and the ways deer live. When she felt Bambi was old enough, she took her daughter to the meadow- which she came quickly to learn that it was both a wonderful but dangerous place." Why? It leaves the deer exposed and in the open. Not much really had changed when Bambi came to the big city. Sure, she got a boob job, a roof over her head, and a human nice make over thanks to fable produced glamour; alas no matter if you're in the meadow or city that exposed feeling never goes away. Bambi at first found the city to be absolutely terrifying, she often locked herself into her apartment for days on end, staring out the window with vacant eyes as the lights traveled by. "Oh..fuck me." she would sigh as the bills upon bills piled upon her kitchen table. The office never could help her with her bills either; she was on her own for that. Many times she was threatened to be sent to the farm for non-compliance, but she always managed to slip on by from biting the bullet. Unlike her mother. Eventually Bambi traveled out a little more each day, becoming familiar with her settings. Though, when news of someone being shot would play on her television set (either in movies or in the news) Bambi regressed back into her hermit ways, until she could feel she could travel once again. It was a long and painful process. However, as crime became less and less in the city (or so Bambi thought when she lost her cable from not paying the bills), Bambi traveled out into the mundy world as Barbara Greene: florist specialist assistant. As she built her resume up a little bit, she discovered she had quite the talent for growing things, and began slipping into a 'city' way of like, and began selling drugs to both fables and mundies alike. Because of her quiet nature, she only has a few rare customers during the weekend.[/i] ✿[b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Bambi when transformed into her fable state has incredible speed and strength. Ramming of antlers are easy pickings for jabbing out an eye or ripping out an artery. When concealed by glamour in the town, her only advanced ability is a touch of green thumb; giving her an easy time at both her jobs.[/i]