Name: Gorgophone, goes by Gwen Paris Nickname: The Black Queen, Kuro Hime, Kuro Race: Fable Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Mundy][img=][/hider] [hider=Fable][img=][/hider] Job: Bartender Personality: A sarcastic and impatient woman, Kuro doesn't like to wait. But that doesn't mean that she dislikes people, she just likes punctuality. Kuro has kept her regal air but she still likes to help people... sometimes. Kuro has found that she likes being a bartender, making and serving drinks, it suits her. But not all of Kuro is bad. ((Will mostly play it out)) Fable: In the Homelands Kuro was The Black Queen, she ruled her people with an iron fist. So time passed and Kuro's real name, Gorgophone, was forgotten. She just became known as The Black Queen, or Kuro Hime. Kuro lived up to her new name. She only wore black dresses and grew crueler with time. She was parent's way of making children follow rules, [i] Don't do this or the Black Queen will kill you[/i]. But not all was lost, Kuro still had a sweet side to her, though she would only show it when she was alone. She would play with her pet black cat, Lamia. When her castle was raided Kuro was forced to flee. She went to the mundane world and began living there. She settled in Fabletown and when Boogie opened a nightclub she went to work there. Abilities: --[i]Queen's Order[/i]- will give the victim a strong urge to do what Kuro tells them too --[i]Regal Robes[/i]- Let's Kuro instantly change into her Fable outfit --[i]Hidden Feelings[/i]- Allows Kuro to hide her emotions Other: [i]Once upon a time... Someone made me [url=]an Angel with a Shotgun[/url] so I fight for what I believe in[/i]