(Collab Between LordZell and Solamelike) The journey from Goldcoast to Amplefort was a long one, but it was also a pleasant one. The weather in Odesh is that of a hot climate, the sun can be blocked by shade and provide a comfortable temperature that is easy for riding. The carriage the Conrad's rode in was well shaded and stayed cool threw out the journey. On the way to Amplefort, the couple took a quick stop through Flowerhurst. The people of the town had been told of the arrival beforehand and a warm welcome was shown, the town people showering the important individuals in the flowers from the lush fields the town was named after. Despite the warm greetings, the couple had to move on quickly as Laurel wished to quickly see her family as soon as possible, though she was incredibly happy being back in her home lands The couple soon saw the walls of Amplefort, they where large carved stone towering over Trees and buildings. There where three entrances to Amplefort, and each was as guarded as the last. The carriage soon drew closer to the gates, the town guard could be seen at there posts, the red clothes standing out among the whites and greys around them. They carried large crossbows, handcrafted by the finest men and women in Odesh, a small hatchet also hung from there belts. The men and woman of the town guard placed there left hands on their chest, the Odeshian formal salute, as the Carriage moved from the door to the inside of the city. The cobble roads of Amplefort soon led to the palace, a magnificent building of humongous size, the royal guards stood by the gates, signified by there purple capes, they did not carry crossbows but large swords that curved along the blades. They where the only force in Odesh that actively used swords, and they knew how to use them. Soon the family was within the Palace gates and shown into the main hall. Flint, Eden and Elle Whiteshorn stood waiting, Flint opened his arms as his daughter ran into them. "I missed you father" Laurel squeaked with glee, embracing the large man. Luke smiled as he saw his love see her father. He had his guards take the children on a walk to look around. It was rare that the Conrad's would set foot on the mainland but whenever they did they wanted to see all they could especially as the ages go on. When Luke turned back to the Whiteshorn's he walked up to Flint and gave him a nice firm handshake and said "Nice to see you again. I would like to once again thank you for the marriage between me and your daughter. My father sends his regards but he has to remain in Stormgully with Kenten. Til I can bring his old sword back." He shows him it and it's large mass. "Perhaps you and Elle Could join me. Laurel I'm sure would like to stay here and rest and I fear the children would not be up to the task." Luke gave a laugh. "I do not know if i would be welcome, surely this is a discussion for the two of your houses alone?" Flint replied humbly. Elle remained silent as Eden soon left, bored by the talking of others. "My father always likes to remain in touch with old friends that would include yourself. However I'll understand if you are busy but I fear my father would be angry if you didn't at least send an envoy." Luke bowed in a humble manner. "I am sorry but an important event is approaching, and the coming winter is also something i fear." Before Flint could continue, Elle stepped in. "I will go Father, it would be rude if we did not accept this offer, it is not often the Conrads visit the mainland after all." Elle turned to Luke "This is of course if you are fine with me traveling with you, sir Conrad" She hoped he would say yes, she hated staying in the palace and wished to at least represent her house in some way. "Why of course. But if I may ask event?" It doesn't truly matter to Luke he just thought it certious. "Still though I'd be honoured to escort you to Stormreach. Though what of your son and heir. Should he not start taking part in matters that are important to the kingdom?" Luke looked over to Elle with an eye raise. "Its an excuse for the commoners to drink copious amounts of liquor" Elle replied bluntly to the first question. Flint shook his head "It is the day of the Tusk, feasts and celebration happen throughout Odesh to celebrate the great Elephants that work for our lands. Flint seemed to pale slightly at the mentioning of his son, his smile fading at the query. "My son... he.. is under the weather at the moment. He is resting right now but should be fine soon enough. His illness means he will not be-able to travel large distances for the coming weeks however. " Flint was never a liar and it showed. He smiled once again "But it seems my eldest Daughter is enthusiastic for the trip!" Flint chuckled. Luke chuckled at Elle's input but his smiled turned into a frown and said "I will pray to all the gods for his healthy recovery. Anyways I suppose we should start the road trip as it'll take a few days and I'd rather not keep father waiting." He gave a kiss to his wife but then hurried to his men and horses waiting for Elle before the trip could begin. Elle left the courtroom but soon returned to Luke Conrad with her bags ,as if she had already been packed for the off chance an event like this would happen. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gading Whiteshorn lay in his bed softly sleeping. The curtains where drawn and most light was blocked by them accept a small crack that lit up the end of bed. Gading was not looking well, his skin was a pale white and his eyes looked sunken. Many servants would tend to him daily, washing and feeding the poor prince, he ate less and less each day as he could not stomach the food. It was unknown what ailed him, but the symptoms where worse than anything Odeshian doctors had seen before. He had sores and boils all across his body, red rings that bled when pressure was applied and a blackness seemed to be spreading from his toes. The health of the young lord remained a secret, many foreigners did not know and only hushed whispers of the boys disappearance where shared around Odeshian towns.