[quote=Genkai] I'm kind of tired of all the MATURE advertising in the 1x1s. I don't mind roleplaying it and I think the Mods were wise to put up some more info about being safe with wording however...I feel like since it was posted, I'm seeing more threads for freaky deaky than I am for actual story telling. Sure, you can marry both but I just wish not so many would float around the IntChks.Unrelated, I hate people who BUMP their threads within say 12 hours of making the thread or posting themselves. I think bumping should be reserved for when it's been say over 30-48 hours. People who keep bumping frequently really irk me. And it makes them look needy and rude, it's a busy time of year for people and things are expected to slow down, if your thread is still on the first page (or even second) you should cool off and go read a good rather than clog up IntChks. [/quote] ... Actually, yeah. [2]. I've been complaining about this for some time. :lol Also, love Penn & Teller. Good choice.