[center][b]Daniel Ezekiel Anders-U-ARM Wing, Featuring Dove, the Mechanical Scout droid.[/b][/Center] --- Daniel was unsure what to do as; once again, there was no clear cut direction for him to take. No clear logic laid out a path for him and no divine providence told him a wise path to take. He needed more information to make a solid choice, and he didn’t have any. Combine that with the fact that the radios had been cracked, and he couldn’t even ask for any other advice. It was a damnable situation to be in. Still, there were positives to the situation. For one, the fact that U-ARM were not advancing was positive in its own right, as that meant this section of U-ARM was getting no closer to the retrieval team. Daniel was tempted to try and make a distraction of himself: loud noises and big crunches and the like. His mech was most suited for being in the thick of the fray, especially after the upgrades and the addition of his new weapons. But then there was the fact he was going in blind that annoyed him. He had no idea what he’d be swinging into, and that could get him killed any number of ways. Suddenly, it hit him. The gloves on his hands! He had something pretty much perfect for the situation. Bringing up the menu of his Recon-droid, Daniel tapped in a quick password and then an even quicker secondary encryption code. Anything to make his little Dove a bit harder to hack into. Suddenly, a little piece of mechanical wonder disjointed itself from a slot in the back of his mech, and the little drone was hovering a few feet in the air behind Daniel. He directed the Dove droid to float around slowly and quietly, trying to scout any nearby rooftops in order to spot the enemy’s battle position and, more importantly, snipers. He had his coms open, just in case he needed to shout a warning: should the Dove droid spot any particularly clever hostiles.